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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. Is that 200 each ??? If so consider them sold.... I can drop off tomorrow on the way to Bretts...
  2. Still Have a Left Flap , rudder , and elevators ......best reasonable offers ......Also a tail cone.....
  3. Still for sale ........ 100 or best offer....
  4. Anyone ???? Bueller? Bueller?/????
  5. Anthony you are in , If its just the two of us we will take the Moon , If we can get a third , we can take the Beech PM me your contact info....
  6. I might be in ......who wants to split fuel....I will take two more.......
  7. Penn is in transition , probably on way out , Send it to Todd at Lancaster Avionics , and tell him I referred you.....Regards Alan......Again if it is without a G/S I will sell you a tagged unit for not much more than a repair will cost...
  8. Does anyone have a source for the old style fuel drains from the early C models.....
  9. I have had multiple interav setups on different aircraft trouble free.....Instead of "replacing it with a plane power" why not fix it........I think it is boneheaded logic to replace it , fix it and get a nother 15 years out of it......
  10. Pete , I can tell by the condition of the Prop , That prop was not under power at the impact , that's not gossip , I can also tell from the pic that the gear was extended at the time of impact , not gossip , The earlier post about hot wires and staying in the plane is not gossip.........
  11. Greater good Scott , I read about the "possibility of hot wires" in a panic I wouldn't have even thought of this..... But if it happens to me in the future , you can bet your ass that I will think of it should the situation arise....... This little reminder could save someones life......As this unwinds and more people read it will raise peoples awareness of what they could do in a similar situation, or more importantly , what not to do ....... That value alone exceeds anyones "Bruised ego" ........ I was in a similar situation , and I was embarrassed at the time , but if my misfortune benefits another human being , than screw their ego , or mine or yours for that matter...... Unlike most pilots , I don't consider myself an expert or authority on how to pilot an airplane , I look to others to learn from , and hopefully be a safer pilot myself.....This isn't the first time we have disagreed , and it wont be the last.......Hopefully we can disagree for many years to come.......
  12. The problem of bringing it back , is complying with all the ADs , Just the engine ADs alone would require a tear down because of all the AD'd parts that could be in it , and yes the 2 to 3 K is the engines core value.....Add the time to tear down the rest of the airplane , transport it , and dispose of the excess , and then store it while parting it out , anything over that 3k cancels out any profit.......to put it back in the air is really not a realistic goal , considering you can get one in annual flying in this condition for south of 30 K ....
  13. It has been seized on mechanics lein , so after the sheriffs sale the other leins get cancelled out , the law stipulates that the lein holder must be notified , I have purchased aircraft this way , but have parted them all out...... This is worth parts only , and 8K is way high...... With no logs it is basically a core..... The only possibility of any value above 2 or 3 K is if the prop is the new style hub , which is doubtful , as there is no damage history reported to the FAA or NTSB........ I'm trying to decide if its even worth the gas to fly out for the auction....Most FBOs exercise the full lein value at the auction so they don't get stuck with a non paying owner a second time.....and sell it to a scrapyard.....
  14. Basically he's saying that its getting posted , regardless if you are a member or not...... Bottom line it serves the greater good....
  15. Bunch of crybabys......
  16. There is a link that wears between the jack screw , about 80.00 .... There will always be a little play.....
  17. Seth I have a KX165 that is tagged and ready to go , No glideslope if that's what you have , It is cheap..... Let me know...
  18. We met him at N57 , it is an earlier Conversion , had no avionics to speak of , I remember this was for sale on EBAY about 3 years ago , Scott , I'm sure that being on the evening news is a thousand times more exposure than here , aside from the "stupid" comments , there will be a lesson to learn here , and that is why I posted this.......Not to ridicule the pilot.......
  19. N200DP is the Reg...
  20. See attached
  21. Don't we know this plane????? From Georgetown Delaware today.....
  22. The yoke mount is about 1/2 inch thick , and does not interfere w elevator travel.....
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