Greater good Scott , I read about the "possibility of hot wires" in a panic I wouldn't have even thought of this..... But if it happens to me in the future , you can bet your ass that I will think of it should the situation arise....... This little reminder could save someones life......As this unwinds and more people read it will raise peoples awareness of what they could do in a similar situation, or more importantly , what not to do ....... That value alone exceeds anyones "Bruised ego" ........ I was in a similar situation , and I was embarrassed at the time , but if my misfortune benefits another human being , than screw their ego , or mine or yours for that matter...... Unlike most pilots , I don't consider myself an expert or authority on how to pilot an airplane , I look to others to learn from , and hopefully be a safer pilot myself.....This isn't the first time we have disagreed , and it wont be the last.......Hopefully we can disagree for many years to come.......