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Everything posted by piperpainter

  1. What a day 1300NM and 9 hours of flying. Thank god for tailwinds & bottled oxygen! http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N5842Q/history/20110120/1615Z/KPLU/KGXY Anyway I am stuck in Oklahoma for 6 weeks for some training. I will be based out of Altus, OK. Anybody know any good places to fly withing 300 miles of KAXS? Maybe some good $100 hamburgers we could meet up at! Let me know!
  2. Anyone know total install cost? Thanks!!
  3. I flew all the way to College Station, TX ( near houston) from Tacoma, WA. Have a pre buy done and then if everything goes well. Get everything set up so that if you go out there and the plane looks good you can buy and fly it home, or have someone ferry it home for you I guess. Its worth the ticket, if that is what your asking...even if it turns out to be a lemon. Better you spent the money and your happy than to just buy and see what you get when you do buy a ticket/ferry the plane.
  4. I like those! Here is one some of you have seen of me taking off from a dirt strip in Oregon....good times!
  5. "La Otra Mujer" AkA "The Other Woman!" There is even a pin up girl on the landing girl with her name. My girlfriend says "You mean the machine!" haha at least she enjoys going up in her, and I always warn her to treat her/speak of her nicely as she does hold her life in hand!
  6. no its you! haha jk! You probably have all the charts selected for download. The last update was for VFR charts this one is for the IFR charts and the approach plates if I remember correctly!
  7. I ditched the generator a year ago and not only did I get a 70Amp alternator I lost 7 or so lbs on my aircraft empty weight. Also I save gas because as I am taxiing or before I shut down I don't have to run it up to above 1400 to get a quick charge. Plane Power is awesome! Good story otherwise!
  8. Does the GPS that close to the compass cause any problems?
  9. I was taking off from a field in Oregon. Its my Dad's field. Its a nice & long 1900ft strip. I always suck the gear up ASAP to get rid of the drag and help my climb's.
  10. Happy new year! I wont get to fly my girl till I fix her....she decided to have a mag & oil cooler leak before I had to go to work for a week or so! Oh....and Happy New year from Germany....its really new years here!
  11. I just ran across this so although its old I thought id post! The shortest field i've been to was 900Ft at sea level and well...it doesn't really have a width per se but Id say 15feet wide! It was fun and curved Disclaimer: please don't try this without knowing your airplanes abilities to a T and having experience in lots of other fields that are short etc. Thanks!
  12. What nobody ever mentions is that the depreciation you take on the plane (whether regular or bonus; ie accelerated) lowers the "basis" of your cost in the plane. Then when you eventually sell the plane, any amount you you get for it over the "basis" must be reported as a gain, and taxes paid on it. If you are buying a new plane and the value of the plane drops as much as the drop in your basis, you come out even. But if your basis goes down to $100,000 and you sell it for $500,000, the tax on that $400,000 depreciation has to be "paid back". This does not take into consideration the value of the use of that money over time, nor the tax rates that apply at the front end and back end of the deal. My point is that this accelerated depreciation tax money is not just "free money", and one would be smart to ask their tax guru about the effect it will have on them. Don
  13. Lasar aircraft will have them! Perfect size too.
  14. I have noticed in my airplane that in the winter when its cold, or at altitude when its cold it can sometimes get harder. Then when I get down in warm air the trim wheel moves no problem. But I will say that I just had my annual and after I greased all the blocks from the tail to the trim wheel it was much easier. So as stated above....lube!
  15. Quote: scottfromiowa Bryan & Jesse ARE IRON-MEN...or iron rear-ends anyway...
  16. Longest day was mentioned in the other thread. I flew from KPLU(avoided T-storms)-KGDV-(avoided more Tstorms)-C47 then to KFDL which was a total of just over 1500NM and it was I think 12.7 hrs in one day. What a great adventure!
  17. Quote: eldeano Holy **##! That is a long way!
  18. The longest flight I had was 5:45 min/730 NM on standard tanks. I didn't have a tailwind but I was up high burning about 7.2 GPH! landed with 10 gallons left boy i sure love my Mooney!
  19. I know my windshield mod gave me a few knots. But more importantly it looks a helluva lot better and makes the cabin quieter than it was before with the single piece 1/4" thick window. Also some of the mods, such as the wheel well liners, not sure if they help with speed so much as when it comes time to clean out the wheel well...its just much easier and looks better. Not that people typically get down and look at them!
  20. I've landed on the black rock desert and it wasn't anything significant. I think if you take precautions you can safely go there for burning man and stay. Just ready to clean the airplane. I've been in enough dirt strips to know...dirt happens! :)Oh....and if you land in a cow pature thats just been harrowed and hit mud....it sucks but you still survive!
  21. I had a good one the other day.... I took off from Rwy 16 just to play around in the pattern and local area (had already flown about 2.5 hrs the days prior) and was climbing out of about 800ft when smoke started pouring out from under the right side of the panel!!! I had to make a quick decision since the cockpit was filling up quickly. I just pulled a tight left closed pattern back to 16 instead of landing 34. Turned everything off just to make sure the smoke didn't come back. Talk about hours of relaxation with a few minutes of terror! After I landed I opened the door and turned everything back on to see if I could find the problem. It turned out that I have a little leak in my flap line, it had dripped onto the heater box and when I reached max power for a minute or so the heater really kicked in and burned it off...creating a helluva lot of smoke and an instant headache. Needless to say I have some troubleshooting to do before my next flight!
  22. Stackthepilot check your PM....if you give me your email i'll give you the manuals you need....
  23. But the new LED all in one strobes! They wont have to be replaced!!
  24. You know what always makes a plane look great is a nice shiny spinner! I know several of us on this site have poilished the spinners on our Mooney and boy does it look better. You can see in my gallerie how it looked white and then how it looked nice and shiny! Just a thought instead of painting....and it only takes about 4 hours of elbow work!
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