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Everything posted by piperpainter

  1. why do all the events have to be so far away from Altus, OK....oh wait this place is the middle of nowhere!
  2. Quote: Piloto Forget the hassle, get four of these. They are cheap elegant and work all the time. Ladies love them. José
  3. It must be pretty quiet since its basically a computer fan! You know I figure you would want to close the vents once its going otherwise you'll let all the hot air in an cold air....well any cold air would be overcome!
  4. Quote: DonMuncy Has anyone done any testing or calculation on how much carbon dioxide is placed in the cabin with the sublimation of dry ice. I don't claim to have any real knowledge, but my guess would be that the carbon dioxide output of an additional passenger breathing might be as much as x amount of dry ice. Don
  5. Wow.....this does the same thing but at a higher rate....but the price holy cow the difference http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pspages/cockpitcooler_100_28v.php I think I am going to buy one of these Kooleraire's!! Dale, How long does the ice usually last?? Thanks!
  6. Go high thats how I always get the best range. If you climb up to 15,000 or 17,000 or higher you can get some low fuel flows and if eastbound pick up some great tailwinds. On the other hand if westbound lower is probably better! Big thing is to pull the power back and lean that puppy out! I know I have gone 730NM and still landed with 11 gallons left. I know I am a C model but you also have more gas! Gotta love the Mooney!
  7. Are you okay with grass? I have another guy on AOPA forum that wants to meet up at Cedar mills. looks fun!
  8. Cedar mills Marina, TX (3T0) 3000 X 60ft Grass. Its suppose to be a nice 70+ degree day! We can meet at 1200 if your up for it.
  9. There is an interior shop on this forum....looked like a pretty good interior for a good deal in NM...
  10. Did you get a free pizza from woodward when you flew in??? Every time we fly in there in the C-17 we get a huge pizza complimentary of course. But then again we usually buy over 15,000 gallons!
  11. ouch... sorry man. maybe another weekend!
  12. So it looks like nobody is in... Sad day!
  13. Well So far thats the plan, 1200 at KSEP. Then we can walk over to eat! Who's in!?
  14. note: saturday not sunday! I will watch out....plus SEP is around 70NM from DFW....I think we should be good!
  15. There is a possibility I might try and go down to someplace in TX this weekend...I do not want to go north after this storm!!! I was thinking KSEP for some BBQ. I'll have to see if we still have the weekend off, the plan would be either saturday for lunch or sunday. Anyone else want to join? Parker....thats right up your way!
  16. Treasure Cay. Fly into MYAT and then you take a $30 taxi down to the resort. The rooms aren't too bad and they give a pilot dicount. If you are planning on staying for more than a few days I would recommend getting a room with a kitchen and cooking some of your meals. They have a grocery store right next to the hotel and the prices aren't that bad. Trust me it'll beat a $75 dinner meal...nightly if your there more than a night! The breakfast is over at the cabana near the beach...its a good breakfast! Anway check out the web site http://www.treasurecay.com/ they also have a link to a boat rental company right at the resort. You can rent a boat for the day or week etc and go snorkeling/fishing etc. Again lots of things to do! If you have any other questions about Treasure cay just ask I was there this last Aug and Loved it! Also some advice make sure you carry at some cash. The ATM there gives you Bahimian $. Also make sure you still have at least $50 after the taxi ride on the way back to the airport for any possible custom fees! In all WORTH IT!!!! Have fun!
  17. I wish... I'll be in the desert enjoying 130 degree's in the shade....okay minus the enjoy!
  18. ya, I would love to go to that but there is most likely something else going on that day! I was at PWA the other day having my seat fixed! I parked at Atlantic, they had great service & no fee's like the other guys on the field!
  19. Aerobat95 see your PM's But now I see what your down here for so don't answer that!
  20. anyone want to meet up on Saturday or sunday? Thanks for all the tips guys! I might be able to make a few of these places!
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