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Everything posted by amillet

  1. Both strobes stopped working in past 3 months. I’m installing Aero LEDs during annual in a couple weeks per @donkaye recommendation. Hope to gain a little useful load with removal of 3 power supplies.
  2. I took our airplane to the Avionics Shop for the biennial IFR certification. Passed all tests just fine. I asked them to update the GTN 750 software. I was told that I had the latest version that was approved for certified aircraft , that the new software was only approved for experimentals. Here is what I have. I suspect I was “mis-informed”.
  3. Does upgrading from a King KMA 24 require a new tray?
  4. We have made the FL to WA trip once. Bought the plane in Ft. Lauderdale and flew it home in Feb. 2005. The coast hugging route was to avoid winter crossing of the Rockies. 24 hours flight time.
  5. To those of you who have a Sensorcon, do you have it calibrated periodically as recommended? I have not yet done so and I’ve had mine for at least 1 1/2 years.
  6. I waited months hoping Apple would announce a new mini. Finally bought a mini 4 a few months ago (my 3rd mini) so I had a new cockpit backup. My mini 1 now stays at the office to accept credit card payments. New rumor is that Apple will make an iPhone X Plus with 6.5 inch screen, which is getting darn close to mini 4 size
  7. I hope you’re using a pulse oxcimiter at 12;500 10,500. Even though legal, most people’s O2 levels are sub-optimal there. The medical speakers at the PPPs strongly recommend using O2 above 8,000 (5,000 at night)
  8. I have also input 11:1 into ForeFlight extrapolating from the POH chart. I’m surprised there is not a more precise glide ratio published for the J model. I haven’t done the in flight cross check like @cnoe, but it is comforting to know the POH is a conservative number.
  9. We have the newer adjustable seats, but Brenda wanted the seat back even more upright. Years ago when the Mooney factory was doing maintenance work, we were at Kerrville for homecoming. We asked them if they could adjust the right seat back to be more upright. They ended up reversing the threaded block that the adjustment rod turns in to pull the seat back farther forward. We had them check and adjust rigging at the same time.
  10. I recall hearing that the Mooney annual checklist requires about 24 hours labor to complete. Which items are they skipping?
  11. Effective way to get people to become supporters Craig
  12. I find myself practicing formation flying skills maintaining precise distance with the car ahead of me
  13. I recently suggested to ForeFlight that it use the animated wind depiction like Windy uses instead of wind barbs. They said they'd look into it
  14. Neither of those have occurred.
  15. When I learned to fly in 1989 our airport elevation was 144 feet. Nearby Port Angeles was 288 feet. Easy to remember. (2 x 144=288). Yesterday while doing some approaches my safety pilot mentioned airport elevation was 291. I have no idea when the reported elevation changed. Just checked my home airport (W28-Sequim, WA). It too has changed to 151 feet. Is it continental drift/uplift? More accurate measurements?
  16. Sea gulls poop in flight. My Tundra got bombed last week.
  17. amillet


    201XG was my first Mooney, purchased with two other partners. We flew it for 5 years and 500 hours (1990-1995) then sold it for $10,000 more than we paid. It did have the FF 210 hp engine with 10:1 pistons. A year or so later it had an engine failure returning from KOSH. I last saw it in 2002 in the Mooney Caravan. It was based in the Northeast at that time
  18. Return route: Tonapah, NV for fuel; overnight at Klamath Falls, OR. Tonapah was WWII P-39 training base. FBO owner who fueled us said the Russians still hate us for sending them all those Airacobras. Flew right over Crater Lake.
  19. Thank you Maruader.
  20. How about labeling everyone with their user names and real names for those of us who couldn't make the party?
  21. We flew to AZ for a mini-vacation on Sunday 10/9 and returned 10/14-15. Visited our grandson & stayed with our good friends Dave & Colette who own an M20E. My usual route is V165 thru Reno & past Vegas. Decided to try the more direct route & stopped in Winnemuca for fuel. Central NV is EMPTY. Had decent tail winds most of the way but even at 15,000 had some waves that had ground speed varying from 199 to 100 and approaching stall speed a couple of times with the autopilot maintaining altitude. I requested a block of 15 - 14K and rode the waves up and down. It made Brenda much happier. Always smooth though. New route only saved about 50 KM. We had booked a flight on SWA but I was able to convince Brenda to fly the Mooney when the weather forecast was so good. I hate the commercial airline/ TSA routine Love the Mooney. 6.5 total flying time.
  22. The position light is separate from the strobe & nav light . Is there a LED replacement?
  23. Don, did you keep the incandescent position lights in the front? (the ones that melt the plastic cover?)
  24. http://www.discoverytrailfarmairpark.com/
  25. Me too. After installing a factory reman & new Top Prop it is smoother at 2600 than 2500 where I always used to cruise following Bob Kromer's advice of wide open throttle 2500 RPM.
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