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Everything posted by amillet

  1. I have FS 210. It allows transfer of flight plans from ForeFlight to GTN. Updates to database require SD card
  2. Paying LASAR or Top Gun $120/hr is cheaper if they can diagnose and solve the problem in less time, due to their experience. I have used both and find them to both be very efficient and fair in their pricing. As a lawyer with 37 years experience I can perform tasks in 15 min. that took me two hours 35 years ago.
  3. Sequim (W28) and Port Angeles (KCLM) are the gateways to Olympic National Park. The Olympic Peninula is one of the most beautiful spots in the world. Victoria, BC is only 15 miles away
  4. I’ll be at the PPP in Henderson, NV that weekend
  5. Our 1997 J comes in right at $197,000 on both VREF and the Mooney Flyer valuation tool. 230 SFRB. 2035 TTAF. GTN 750
  6. The Avionics Shop at Tacoma Narrows Airport (KTIW) replaced the internal micro switches in our yoke trim switch several years ago.
  7. Here it is. Snow birding in AZ.
  8. Here’s my revised W&B for LEDs
  9. Just saw a Comanche 400 at Mesa, AZ Falcon Field (KFFZ) with a Canadian registration number. Is it yours Clarence ? @M20Doc
  10. Humm, I distinctly recall Yves, Brenda and I purchasing multiple cases of beer and carrying them to the Mooney tent. You must have arrived late Clarence.
  11. On the few occasions I have forgotten the gear, the inability to slow down on final has been a reminder.
  12. I’ve flown both routes many times. Inland route is shorter but more prone to icing and mountain turbulence. I recall a flight where I chose the coastal route and listening to ATC talking to a Bonanza flying the inland route that was picking up ice at 12;000 where the MEA wouldn’t allow lower.
  13. Crater Lake and a bonus photo of Mt. St. Helens. No where more beautiful than the Pacific Northwest
  14. The FAA records only show year manufactured, not model year. (1997 M20J built in 1996.)
  15. Beer, in Utah? Heresy. . (From a former Mormon)
  16. But, there is no “hitman client” confidentiality privilege
  17. I’m in Sequim, WA between Port Angeles and Port Townsend. I’d be glad to provide you a ride in a J. It’s in Troutdale now getting it’s annual, new LED nav/strobes, 406 ELT, update to JPI software, etc. @milotron is based at Victoria and has a K model.
  18. The fine print confirmed interest from date of purchase. Maybe they have different programs, but this was the card they sent to replace the AMEX. I use my Alaska Air Visa and collect the air miles
  19. I shredded my Costco Visa after I got my first statement and found they were charging interest from the date of purchase. The fuel rebate may make up for it but it is the principal. Every other card I have is no interest if paid by due date of statement
  20. Jim Murphy flew in the Caravan in 2002, my first Caravan. I was surprised to see our old Mooney there. It was in very rough shape compared to when I last flew it in 1994, delivering it to the buyer at Paine Field (KPAE) in Everett, WA. I’m happy to see that someone has made her better than new and glad to see her back in the Pacific Northwest.
  21. Flew N1084L to Troutdale, OR and left her with Greg at MSC Advanced Aircraft for annual. 1.4 hour flight with 25 knot headwind. Surface winds were light except at KTTD, 25 G 30 right down runway fortunately. Strange funnel effect down Columbia River gorge. My hangar neighbor picked me up in his RV 7-A. Not a comfortable fit for my 6’3” body. Cascade volcanoes in photos.
  22. I owned N201XG (with 2 partners) from 1989 to 1994. I’m just a short hop away in Sequim. I’m taking our current “J” model to Troutdale’s Mooney service center today or tomorrow for its annual, and installation of LED strobe/nav lights and 406 ELT. We’ll have to meet up when I get the plane back.
  23. What is current price to upgrade JPI 700 to 730 or 830?

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