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Everything posted by amillet

  1. Upgraded panel looks great. My 97 J has a similar “before” panel. Is the bulb burned out in your clock? I flew with mine out for 10 years before discovering it was supposed to light up
  2. I occasionally have clients tell me their name is ****, Sr. I ask them if that is what their birth certificate reads. No affirmative answers yet.
  3. I have one too. I discovered after using it while recovering from shoulder rotator cuff surgery that the breather tube has a vent hole up inside the cowl where you can’t see it. All that dry air may have leaked out that hole before it got into the engine. Maybe that’s why my factory new engine didn’t make TBO (1818 TT)
  4. I wonder if there are any studies on viruses v. Nicotine laden smoke
  5. You can meet up halfway. Looks like 9V6 Martin SD is equidistant for youall.
  6. Today I flew my friend to Seattle in his J model so he could catch a commercial flight at SeaTac. Landed at Boeing Field and used Kenmore Flight Service’s crew car to shuttle him over.
  7. One issue I haven’t seen being discussed is potential civil liability risk for those ignoring stay at home orders who are later found to be traced to a transmission chain leading to infection. I’m a lawyer but not a personal injury/litigation lawyer.
  8. M20 J POH shows factory installed cockpit checklist
  9. Stuff a disposable baby diaper under the filter (after letting it drain for a day or two); plus zip lock bag
  10. For those of you who want a hearty laugh. CAUTION. MATURE CANINE ADULT LANGUAGE IMG_2637.MOV
  11. $2.80 at Chehalis (KCLS). Filled up last week on way to Troutdale for annual. Flew with a friend on Sunday and he filled up. Two other early J models there. Photo by @xcrmckenna
  12. Does the add on fuel bay have its own fill port? @Gagarin
  13. I thought that was quoting an A&P
  14. I believe I and his son have convinced him to go look before he makes an offer
  15. A friend is considering making an offer sight unseen. Anyone familiar with this aircraft? https://smokymountainaeroplanes.com/coming-soon/
  16. I tried 3 different rotations on the iPad. Still won’t post correctly There used PS Express
  17. @FlyTester took this photo. Notice two shadows
  18. In an email from Greg last month: “We won't see Ed around during this time, as he and his wife Sue are in their 70's and they are staying close to home.”
  19. Installed new Plane Power alternator on Saturday. Hartzell that came with factory re-built engine crapped out with 440 since new. I talked Sausage into a BFR at Renton where 737s are made, and he, Jeremy and I did some formation practice before I dropped the plane off at Troutdale fo annual, including new Surefly electronic mag. Stopped at KCLS for $2.80 100LL, along with every other airplane in the PNW, and a guy filling two 50 gallon barrels in a little trailer.
  20. When you electronic wizards get this figured out, I’ll order a couple pre-made lights from you
  21. I edited the title. Great website. It confirms that’s what I saw. Going out to look again in a few minutes. 5:47 AM this morning
  22. Internet image. I only saw six. Maybe just the tail end of the string
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