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Everything posted by amillet

  1. I just re-watched that this week
  2. Yesterday met up with @FlyingAg14 @adverseyaw & Dan “Bolter” at KPWT. Flew 4 ship to Hood River, OR (4S2) (just across the Columbia River) and met Fugawi @xcrmckenna for lunch. Beautiful NW fall day
  3. I had that problem when we purchased or J model in 2005. The factory service center said most of the issue was the turn coordinator was not centered in the mounting hole. They also adjusted all the rigging
  4. That is an argument I make to myself against buying a new truck to replace my 2003 Tundra. WA sales tax (8.2%) on a $50-$60K vehicle can buy a lot of maintenance and accessories for the old Tundra (which has only required routine maintenance).
  5. Zipper was removed
  6. Got up early this morning, looked outside to see stars/clear sky. Needed to get night current so drove out to airport, flew to Port Angeles (KCLM) did 2 landings there and returned to Sequim (W28) by 6:15 AM. Cool nights here prompted me to begin my winter routine: 1) plug in battery minder 2) plug in Tanis heater 3) place Golden Rod dehumidifier on cockpit floor and plug in 4) put in cowl plugs 5) close cowl flaps 6) throw old sleeping bag over cowl keeps the engine compartment toasty warm
  7. Our '97 J is SN# 24-3394. We have the retainers. Looks like the change occurred midway through the 1997 production year (-3393 to -3412).
  8. I had an RF ablation in August 2009 for “atrial flutter”. Had to repeat again in September 2009. Special issuance for about three years, then cleared for normal third class. I take metoprolol daily now.
  9. @StevenL757 What drives your BK autopilot? I don’t see a KI 256 in the panel.
  10. And no oil drip pan
  11. This weekends Pendelton clinic https://photos.app.goo.gl/MNCUUhut4U6YLrhf8
  12. To Wenatchee on Friday to see newest granddaughter and back home today. Missed all the Labor Day traffic.
  13. I have replaced the housing a couple of times. The compass slid out easily. I have since placed a foam block between the bottom of the compass and the glare shield to dampen the vibration that I’m sure is what cracks the mount
  14. I won’t take offense that you imply that I am a liar
  15. I flew with a friend to drop his Mooney off at a broker to be sold. The broker flew us to a nearby commercial airport in his V-tail. I climbed aboard first to sit in the back seat (225 lbs.). The nose wheel lifted off the ground and the tail dropped to the ground. Very delicate balance point.
  16. I ordered a new one as mine is giving me the “calibration required “ message on start up. Dan calibrated it at OSH last year but I missed him this year while busy helping out at the Mooneyspace pizza gathering. When I looked up the $45 fee and factored in the hassle to ship it to them I decided to get a new one and get the old one calibrated later and give it to a friend
  17. Welcome. Beautiful Mooney. I lived in Brazil in 1970-1972. I’ve forgotten most of my Portuguese
  18. I’m 6’3” 220. I fit just fine.
  19. Flew an approach into KCLM (Port Angeles). Cloud bases 2300, tops 3800. Two turns in the holding pattern. 4 way speed run afterwards.
  20. The Mooney Flyer valuation tool says our J model value is Total Valuation for the M20 is $198580. I hope it is somewhat accurate
  21. Video taken by grandson Xavien and wife Brenda https://youtu.be/r3XH4WAeLsE
  22. Glad you made it home safely. It was a pleasure to meet you at Oshkosh
  23. Ask controller for clarification?
  24. I’m waiting for photos of the inside of those thunder eggs
  25. Pacific Northwest 4 ship on the way to Madison yesterday
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