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Everything posted by amillet

  1. Having spent my first 11 years in Arizona (3rd generation born there) with black widow spiders, tarantulas and scorpions, I still have arachnophobia
  2. @Yves in my opinion you are very essential. The Caravan won’t be the same without you and Diane.
  3. Yesterday I took my nephews, visiting from Salt Lake City, to lunch at the Spruce Goose Cafe in Port Townsend (0S9), a 15 nm flight. They each got to pilot for about 20 minutes on the way to/from. They are the same ages as some of my grandkids
  4. My daughter, 17, wants to be a pilot, si we will be in OSH from Sunday the 25th until she cries uncle! Be sure to stop by the Mooney Caravan tent
  5. I was asked to make a short presentation at the local EAA chapter meeting Saturday on advantages/disadvantages of ownership in an LLC. Insurance came up. A fellow Mooney owner (octogenarian) reported increase from $2200 to $4600. Two other attendees reported being defendants in pending personal injury / wrongful death lawsuits. One had per person limits and wished he had purchased “smooth” coverage. The other was unable to get coverage at all for his experimental and was uninsured. Moral of the story: have liability insurance with high limits.
  6. I need to see your spreadsheets
  7. Took my oldest son and two granddaughters on a flight over the Olympic Mountains.
  8. @Chris from PA what do the numbers 185 on the vertical stabilizer signify?
  9. @DanM20C will you be at Oshkosh with your calibration equipment?
  10. That’s kinda like my wife setting her car clock 5 minutes fast. What good does it do if you know it’s fast?
  11. What I thought might be a no sqwawk annual turned up this cracked gear door. When I cleaned the belly last about a month ago I noticed a small crack in the door about a half inch long. Progressed rapidly. Greg ( Advanced Aircraft at KTTD) commented: On the gear door. Mooney has no stock and they are extremely slow on parts fabrication now. Shall I try to repair this door and we can order a new one and when it shows up, make arrangements to have it installed?
  12. Friday’s flight to Troutdale. Left ‘84L for annual.
  13. Combined weekly flight and daily walk with flight to Ocean Shores and 5 mile walk to town, along beach and back to airport
  14. Sunday flight to Yakima to meet up with @xcrmckenna, @Jer and @Bolter for some formation practice. 4.7 hours added to the hour meter
  15. Paul, @gsxrpilotplease move to the Pacific Northwest so I have a chance to hold you to your pledge
  16. Did you get his good side?
  17. I like Foreflight’s time keeping. It’s always more than the airplane’s hour meter. The higher time goes in pilot’s log. The lesser in airplane’s logs
  18. Although, Al Mooney was self taught and had no engineering degree if I remember correctly
  19. Yes. The downwinders weren’t so fortunate
  20. I fly right over Hanford descending into Pasco when I visit my son who lives there. The thought crosses my mind every trip as to whether any of that radiation leaks up
  21. I ordered one each of all three 1x16x18 for each bottom cushion from Wicks. The local upholstery shop replaced foam in both seats in one hour. Noticeably harder on first contact but warmed up quickly
  22. Got in two approaches in actual IMC today
  23. $50 to $60K for all that?
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