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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. I think you now get a Compassion call sign. But you have to be able to and remember to change your ADSB ID to match.
  2. I get a 404 error from that link.
  3. Which system for wig-wag? Max Pulse? Pulselite? Other?
  4. I have the AOA enabled in the Aspen 1000 (it was that way when I bought it). I have NO idea how/if it works. I just check airspeed. I would like to install Alpha system with indicator on top of the glare shield. Flew with AOA in T-38 and A-10 and really liked it
  5. It doesn't need actual knowledge to make a You Tube video. And even the good ones get it wrong. One popular Aviation You Tuber is sure that in a coordinated turn, the two wings are producing a different amount of lift.
  6. Maybe if I have a reason to pull the tach. I can tracking the original tach hours and the JPI, and will adjust so that they match As I stated, I set the JPI to 2500, and it reads a bit high. This is a 252 converted to Encore. So original red line was 2700, now 2600,
  7. There is the AOPA VRef site, which does correct the value based on condition, avionics, hour (total and engine and prop), and other installed items (Monroy tanks etc). It was pretty close to what I paid
  8. Not near the airplane to check. Not sure why I was thinking it was a Shadin.
  9. No, I did not. I set it to 2500 and it is close. I am going to try 2525.
  10. Shade the display and see if it just is very dim. I thought mine was dead when I did my transition training, but realized it was just stuck in dim. You can also shine a flashlight (cell phone works fine) at the photocell at the top left and see if it brightens. If so, it needs the photocell replaced. Larry at Sarasota Avionics (Sarasota location) can do this repair. I recently had him fix mine while there for some other work.
  11. I used Byron of Fly RPM here on MS. Nice guy. A lot of good advice, and looked at logs for the first couple of candidates for free.
  12. My 252 has a Shadin with this same switch.
  13. Larry at Sarasota Avionics just did this for me. He is at the Sarasota location. Replaced the ALT lamp and replaced the photocell on the KAS-297B. Took about 4 hours to remove, fix and replace. About $500 - 600 total cost The problem with the KC191 bulb replacement is, you can't just take the front panel off. You have to start from the back end. Larry and I had a discussion about this and why engineers do not design equipment to be maintained.
  14. Even worse with the Monroy tanks. You fill the standard as full as you think you can get them. Then fill the aux. Then you go back and forth and put another 10 gallons in them
  15. I bought from Aircraft Spruce. I tried to buy directly from JPI, but they told me to order from a distributor
  16. But do they offer a reduced price upgrade? When I bought my 830 (to upgrade from 700) it was $200 off. And they sold it with no sensors. You could use the existing 700 CHT/EGT/Tit probes, and add whatever else you wanted.
  17. The only trade in upgrade I know if is from a 7xx to an 8xx. They offer a reduced price, but charge a $300 core charge refunded when you return the 7xx unit.
  18. Try lapping in place?
  19. Make sure you take an inspection panel that was exposed similar to the area you need to touch up. Paint on the underside of the wing will not match paint on the top after 20+ years.
  20. I have time logged in an Aerostar 220. There was one owned by a person who did a good bit of flying at 0W3 in the early 80s. I got to fly it once. Drove my electronic logbook nuts with that entry.
  21. I use SafeLog Pro, and it will do a filter for airports. I am somewhere in the mid 100 range.
  22. Harford Air at 0W3 has installed one (mine) so is a resource in the mid-Atlantic. I am loving the LHS.
  23. In the past, if you were in the left lane and got hit from behind (unlimited speed sections) you were at fault for impeding traffic. I disagree that there is no flash to pass. I have personally seen it. I was driving a section from Garmisch to Frankfurt. Flat out in an Opel. I saw headlights WAY behind, as I was in the left lane passing. They flashed. I got over as soon as I could and a Porsche passed my like I was standing still. And I was doing 190 (KPH). About fuel consumption, my 2002 M3 gets better gas mileage at 85 than 65.
  24. I want this panel. It seems you went with a remote audio panel? If you don't mind, how much?
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