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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. Still better than nothing.
  2. I have Goose Copilot (formerly MiraCheck) for my iPad. It can talk and listed to your responses. But I find I tend to use flow and the checklist to confirm, so a paper checklist is faster.
  3. The AI will show track if it not getting magnetic heading data. So likely a problem with the wiring that the AI is not seeing the magnetometer.
  4. I use cell on the iPad a good bit. I sometimes use it to file. And I like a TFR updates before I take off. My home field had a small cutout for whenever Biden went home, so nice to know up to date.
  5. When I instructed, pre-solo the window (Cessna) would pop open. Strange how it always happened at about 500 AGL on the instructor side. The topic was discussed a couple of times pre-solo.
  6. Exactly. But go in with your eyes open. Maybe a low ball offer with why it is low would work.
  7. That is still low overall time, low retract and low time in type. Next year should help. BTW, with the changes to the regs, Complex is not Retract. My initial application and updates have asked for Retract time.
  8. Contact @Parker_Woodruff
  9. As @hubcap stated in another thread, you can fly an IFR approach on the internal G3X GPS/database. So having the IFR database is a nice extra backup.
  10. I bought my Mini 6 with cellular to have GPS chip. Did not get a SIM. After a while, I found I was using it enough that it made sense to add it to my cell plan. I like getting the latest iteration of my flight plan from FF or Flight Aware without having to pull out my phone to enable hot spot. For security, I do not leave hot spot on. I have a power cord in the plane, so even without putting it in Airplane Mode, it charges during the flight.
  11. My point was, there are two different things for two different circumstances. And BOTH are important. We just don't teach the one in GA aircraft. But the training in GA has always been pretty much land straight ahead with engine failure. Hmm, turn to the side of the fire. WHY? If you are in coordinated flight, it makes no difference. Now you could slip/skid to keep the flames away for other bits.
  12. If you are flying to Lancaster, you can check with @jetdriven at KGAI.
  13. If you are quoting rates, best would be to state your Liability cost, then your Hull and Value. I just renewed my CAP-10 and @Parker_Woodruff was able to get me to 1 million smooth on the liability, same hull value and about $300 lower premium than last year (was with 100,000 sublimit).
  14. I still don't see the need for AoA for other than when the gear is down. And yes, I have experience in aircraft with full time AoA.
  15. That would be nice. The problem is, you don't need it until you REALLY need it.
  16. He was not saying that doing the conversion from 252 to Encore, in accordance with the two drawing is a Major mod. But that doing an Encore with single puck brakes IS a Major mod, as it does not conform to the 252 TDCS or the Amended 252 TDCS or the Encore TDCS,
  17. Did you fly the missed approach? That is where you will have issues.
  18. It was more rhetorical question. If it is not a minor mod, it needs more than a log book entry.
  19. It still would probably been faster in your plane.
  20. The problem I have with that video is his diatribe that GA pilots are wrong about maneuvering speed. They are two similar terms that mean different things. One is minimum speed to maintain control in low speed situations and the other is a maximum speed to prevent structural damage
  21. I see two potential issues with that location. 1) it is up where the sun can bake it and cause thermal shutdown. 2) If you are right handed, it is hard to type over there. I have run a Mini up on the left like that in a C-182. And I did run into issue #2
  22. Would that be a minor mod? The conversion to Encore is in the TDCS. I would want at least a letter from the manufacturer.
  23. CAP-10 Funny story. I got my CFI to teach aerobatics at KFDK. They had a Super Decathlon (which I learned in) and were waiting for another airplane to show up, so needed a second instructor. I got my CFI, but with only one airplane, got no time. The deal was that I was ONLY to instruct tailwheel and aerobatics. So after about 6 months of waiting for the new plane to show up next week, I moved to 0W3 (where I got my private) to instruct. It seems that the airplane did show up eventually. And was used to instruct aerobatics. That airplane is the one I now own.
  24. My avionics shop did hold to the quote, even though they went over on the labor hours. I did pay for changed/additions. But mainly they just charged for the additional equipment. The nice thing about liquidated damaged (monetary penalties for being late) is if the contractor can get done early, they get paid MORE. Maybe we ought to revisit this concept in aviation.
  25. The problem is, many experienced pilots fly themselves into bad situations.
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