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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. A friend of mine was involved with an air museum with a DC-3. They would occasionally take it to a DZ for jumpers. He was a sky divers himself. He had about 6 or 7 DC-3 takeoffs logged, but ZERO landings.
  2. The should instance is when you are on a published feeder route.
  3. I see. I leave the display in Average Fuel Economy to temper my driving. But spring, after switching to the performance summer tires and driving with the windows down, it is HARD to keep off the loud pedal.
  4. I will double check when I get home.
  5. Would you turn done a 9? In EITHER category????? Also true for whisky and beer.
  6. I have seen that drawing before. Thanks for the install page. Using the arm for the main tanks only, I am OK, in my 252, on CG with 2 people and full fuel with the normal stuff in the baggage/hat rack area. The issue with using the two arms is coming up with a table of how much fuel is in each for a given total. I plan to do a run a tank dry, then fill 1 gallon at a time to make a dipstick to determine fuel. But then I would need someone without Monroy tanks to do the same to be able to do a stick for the mains only. On my 252 with Monday tanks (with speed brakes) when the stock gauge reads 27 gallons, there is about 31 total in that wing.
  7. Hmm, 252 came with them from the beginning, so 1986
  8. How so on efficiency? On the all seasons I run about 36 MPH average and about 33 on the Performance tires. And SUPER low maintenance. I have replaced a few bulbs, one set of each type of tires, one set of brake pads (fronts probably are getting needy), one battery, and had to have the winter wheels (stock 16” Abarth wheels) refinished. 10 years 92K miles
  9. I understand not big gains due to no timing change. But better LOP operation is a very good thing.
  10. The -MB and -SB are 1750 transient and 1650 continuous. I have a 252 converted to Encore specs.
  11. Less good is not necessarily bad. 9,0 is not as good as 10.0 but it is a lot better than 6.0
  12. A constant speed prop IS a variable pitch prop. The difference is how the pitch is controlled.
  13. Interesting. I recall that the P-47 was not well liked at first. And especially by the Americans who has flown with the RAF in Spitfires before moving to the USAAF. Then they put the paddle bladed props on the them and significantly increased the climb and acceleration without reducing top speed.
  14. A good bit. Try multiple snaps a lowered powered plane. And energy is proportional to velocity squared. So even a small amount of speed reduction greatly reduces the energy a lot
  15. A little duct tape and bonds it should be good to go. Amazing what properly designed load paths around the pax compartment will do. I have a Fiat 500 Abarth. A few months before I bought, but joined on line forums to research, a person posted that driving down a street at about 35 MPH, her was hit by a Suburban and driven into a parked pickup truck. After the collision, both doors would open, shut, and latch. The 500 has 3 load paths around the pax comparment
  16. Please provide an update on any performance gains or loses. I am considering a SureFly for my 252/Encore at some point. No vacuum system so install should be OK
  17. AFAIK the peak TIT is is only 1750 for 30 seconds. 1650 continuous. IIRC, the TLS (pre-Bravo) had a 1750 continuous peak TIT, but they were know for issues due to that. I run with a preferred peak of 1600 for engine and turbo longevity.
  18. On run up, the there more than enough oil pressure, but there is not enough power from the engine to hit the max RPM, so the prop is at the fine pitch stop. During the run up at 1700 RPM, you are still at the fine pitch stop, but pulling the prop control back requests a lower RPM than 1700, so the prop responds and the RPM falls.
  19. Other option is to get a new wife.
  20. Cue smiles from turbo owners. I will have to play with this. I can run LOP so HP is directly rated to fuel flow. And run the same HP, LOP, at different RPM and see what the IAS and TAS do. I suspect that while the prop may be most efficient at 2500 RPM, the longer dwell time (time for the crank to rotate from ignition to exhaust opening) will over shadow that and make lower RPM better.
  21. I have gotten that false target a couple of times near my home field of 0W3. Next time, I will make note and report it. It DOES get your heart rate up.
  22. Back on the topic of flap extension, is it possible to install the newer 3 position flap switch? And how much paperwork hassle?
  23. OK, like I said, in 1966, I do not recall that being the case. But my last trip was a school trip (private school in SD), and we had a bunch of left over military tickets. So I just had to buy an entry ticket and burn up the unused tickets from previous visits, as my Dad had orders out of the area.
  24. Then it sounds like someone could put together an offer to purchase the STCs and contact the creditors to work out a plan to forced Chapt 7, with the proceeds of the sale distributed among the creditors. And they get something. And that something is “found moneys” as after this long, the business entities have probably written off the loss and moved on.
  25. Yes, when you reduce throttle to the point the RPM drops, you are at the fine pitch stop. At that point, there is no change in RPM by pushing in the blue knob
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