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Everything posted by RoundTwo

  1. I’ll look into taking it over to Joe Cole to check rigging and go from there. Thanks
  2. Yeah, I’ve got that issue. Is there a spec on a specific gap that needs to be set?
  3. DM is for Direct Message. I think that spilled over from Instagram. I agree, PM is more descriptive, but evidently, not as hip or current.
  4. A post is a thread. You’re referring to a Reply.
  5. Here’s a step by step process to delete an unwanted post. 1. Click on Moderation Actions 2. Select Delete 3. Click OK Unfortunately, I can’t get the images to show up in the desired order. (The first one shown should be the last one)
  6. Like so many other topics, there are multiple ways to skin a cat.
  7. Georgia is a horrible state to live in. We have heat, humidity, bugs, crime, taxes, snowmagedden, snowpocalypse, tornadoes, occasional hurricanes, drought and torrential rain. No one in their right mind should consider Georgia as a retirement destination. California sounds like a much better place for retirement. I hear there is a good supply of available homes.
  8. I like that you’re keeping with the blue theme.
  9. Y’all are nuts! I’m down at CGC this weekend and can’t imagine going anywhere to meet at 11:30, let alone, fly back after noon. I’d be interested in a Seinfeld Boca del Vista breakfast group that would meet at 0530 so you could make it home by 9am. I can’t believe I lived in this stuff for 30 years.
  10. Do you have a credit card that provides good rebates/cash back for QT gas pods and/or aviation related purchases?
  11. Double your first year costs and then throw in some more for good measure. There are going to be things you want to do for the plane and then the things that need to be done that you will find out later the previous owner neglected to do. Me, I just replaced 1987 motor mounts.
  12. See attached. Park right outside main gate.
  13. This would be helpful in case someone forgets to dial down the preselect before getting to TOD.
  14. Got mine installed yesterday. It was time. I’m impressed with how bright they are, something that doesn’t come across in pictures.
  15. Due to unplanned surgery, our traveling friends won’t be able to attend the air show, so I’m trying to sell their tickets. We have pavilion seating in row F. This is a fly-in airshow with the Thunderbirds headlining. We are flying in from Georgia and will be making it a three day weekend of airshow and Air Force Museum.
  16. What is your target EGT and how did you come up with that number?
  17. What airport will be your home base? If you check The Mooney Flyer website, they maintain a list of Mooney CFI’s by state. I used Jim Stevens from Acworth. He instructs out of PDK for the GA Tech flying club. We flew my J home from MD and got a good portion of my transition training done on the ferry flight. I’m currently using him for my instrument training. Chuck
  18. Flawless execution!
  19. I’m following your project for personal reasons. Keep up the quality documentation.
  20. We stopped there both ways on the trip to Longview, TX for MooneyMax. If I had some 5 gallons jugs, I would have filled those up too.
  21. I brought my wife to the Lexington PPP last month. The only fee was for the Saturday banquet dinner. She had a good time hanging out with Mrs. @hubcap.
  22. Out of curiosity, I ran the numbers but didn’t see much difference. Are you including freight?
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