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67 m20F chump

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Everything posted by 67 m20F chump

  1. I thought the 2 blade from a J wouldn’t work on the motor in the F. I think the F doesn’t have a counterweight on the crank.
  2. That’s the one I made. I also read one guy that used the strap that you crank down. If you don’t have a welder it may be worth a try.
  3. It was on a IO-470L. I used to have a B55. I was able to pull the pump without too much trouble. When I had the motor overhauled they had to replace the pump housing because of how chewed up the old one was.
  4. I was facing the same issue with a continental. I talked to a rebuilder about it and he said I could do it on the cheap and get some life out of the engine but before I do that I should look at the inside of the oil pump. When I did that I could see scratches from where all those little bits were flying around inside the motor. I went with a field overhaul and it ran great. I slept better at night too. It sucks at the time of payment but then it’s done.
  5. I lost my medical for a year. I feel for you.
  6. I have an F. The weight of the plane was enough for the main gear on mine. Have a friend rock the wing if needed. I made a tool for the nose. Google will come up with a picture of it. I read one guy that said a tie down strap with the crank on it will work on it too. I can believe it.
  7. I was young and I needed the money.
  8. I went with a field overhaul on my last plane. Worked out great. I will have the same guy do my next engine too. The mid time factory overhaul on the last plane had already had the cylinders off 2x and I was looking at half of them again. Spalled lifters pushed me to the overhaul.
  9. Is the fitting at the top of the caliper on an angle? The picture is from the from the front and I can’t tell for sure.
  10. Nothing wrong with a plastic clown plane.
  11. I contacted Mooney after Oshkosh one year. I can’t remember if it was the last one or the one before. Anyway I wanted to put in the modern yoke. They gave me the go away kid you are bothering me price of $6000 or something like that. I remember that I could buy an entire wing kit from Van’s for the price of a yoke from Mooney.
  12. That’s not a plane that’s a project. Do you want to fly or work on it? If the owner thinks it’s worth 50k it will be hard to get him to reality. That’s a plane that will sit and rot then get parted out.
  13. I thought about doing that. I wasn’t worried about the wing breaking. I would never have sold a plane to somebody knowing it had a problem. It will cost me some money now but I plan on keeping it for a long time and pain is temporary.
  14. Thanks Jim. I have 6 on the way.
  15. I think 3 is on the tail. I read the 4 on the bearing. The ones at Lasar are $77. I was hoping I could find them for less.
  16. Anyone ever replace the Torrington pn-4a bearings on the aileron? I’m having a hard time finding them. thanks, Chump
  17. Not for long I hope.
  18. I was able to locate a wing. David from Airmods even was willing to deliver it to me. I can’t say enough good things about him and his wife. He even looked over my work and gave me some pointers.
  19. I would go for a down lock if your going to make a batch. Just to keep on the shelf.
  20. Seth, I met you at Oshkosh. I’m Chucks tall friend. I’m sorry it took so long to get your plane back. Sounds like you were plenty busy anyway!
  21. If you don’t mind can you let us know what the cost is on that. I’m wondering how much more it would be to call it an overhaul. Take some pictures along the way too.
  22. I put a 30p+c in my 67’F. I should have one. Let me know if you need it.
  23. I would consider a rivet squeezer. You will use it on other projects.
  24. Go ahead, it may help the next guy too. thanks
  25. I hear ya. The guy with the wing is building a house 100 mi from me so he drives here anyway. I’m told the r&r takes 100-150hours. I was hoping someone with experience would comment about it. I can’t be the first one down the path. my thoughts 5k wing reseal tank if leaking 7k 5k r&r and I agree that sounds low. this will also make me paint the plane sooner than I would like.
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