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67 m20F chump

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Everything posted by 67 m20F chump

  1. I talked to them on Friday and sent pics. Wasn’t sure if I needed to send the form back or not. Spoke to Frank Crawford. I think he wrote the SB after Don Maxwell brought it up.
  2. Looks like the one in the SB
  3. They could have used it for the picture in the SB.
  4. Sorry I didn’t see it by posted. I have #84 from 67’ and it has one of the bad weights on it.
  5. I have 67’ #84 and it has one of the bad weights on it.
  6. 04E3A27F-78A3-4C64-B27B-49F03C2198F6.M20_345.pdf
  7. Funny you mention Van’s. I have spent a ton on my m20f and still jave the cowl swap to go. I keep thinking I would be better off with a vans. I just don’t want another project!
  8. Can you post a picture? I’m thinking maybe aircftspruce.
  9. Oh man it looks like flying a Bonanza has some unexpected side effects. I dropped my membership in the 90’s when my plane was hangared with AOPA’s. Phil B was the president and the guy was a kinda a jerk. Real stand-off unfriendly guy. You don’t get my money. EAA all the way.
  10. I had them powder coat mine in black. Now that I see the photo of the one in white I think that is a better option. It Would be easier to see a crack years down the road.
  11. It was $800 ish off the top of my head. Came back looking like new.
  12. I sent mine to Lasar. They turned it quickly for a reasonable price. I got it good, quick and cheap. I thought that was impossible!
  13. Does anyone know if Mooney corporate is going to be at Oshkosh?
  14. I’m going to drive up with a travel trailer this year. I’m going to show up a few days early and play around in Wisconsin. Maybe check out Madison etc. my point is I should have a spot not that far from the action with a Joe jr. Grill and a truck.
  15. I’m in.
  16. If it would do 150kts I would be interested.
  17. Ding,ding,ding! I absolutely agree with you.
  18. I wasn’t until you mentioned it. No I’m not worried. It’s the up limit so I don’t think it gets much stress.
  19. I have one that lines up like that too on my 67’ F. Just a data point.
  20. Over 17000 Bonanza’s were built compared to 11000 Mooney. If you add in the other Beechcraft like A36, F33, and Debonair I would guess over twice as many Beechcraft roam the sky compared to Mooney. I hate to tell you Mooney fan boys this but here goes. The Beechcraft is the superior aircraft. The Mooney is the more affordable aircraft. For me it came down to the money and that is why I have a Mooney. It’s a great plane but having owned both brands I understand why Beechcraft is more expensive and better. I would be proud to have either. First world problems.
  21. You are hitting on why I bought my plane. Manual gear and flaps. It’s why I didn’t buy another Beechcraft. I think you will have to pay the price and take your lumps on this one unless you can find a used serviceable one.
  22. I put them in with the wing. I would rather take a beating than strip and seal Mooney tanks. I don’t know what Al was thinking on this one.
  23. I was lucky. I was able to find a wing that had been on a partedout plane. My spar issue wasn’t close to being as bad as the one in this thread. It wasn’t economic to do the work and I thought about parting it out and building a RV-8 many times. In the end I always wanted a Mooney so I stuck it out. Even if you pay a reputable Mooney shop to do a prepurchase inspection things get missed.
  24. Here is some pics of my wing.
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