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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. Engine monitor and simple comm might be easier to find a good AP. Brian Isabell @ kaxh or Bat Aviation @ KDWH could probably sort you. Actually Brian has an avionics guy now so probably can handle everything. Would trust brian with everything mooney. James Miller - Brazos Avionics @ ellington field Avionics unlimited @kcxo also i remember there being a shop on ksgr, sugarland avionics. they spent some hours on my plane once charged me like 100$, seemed nice.
  2. where are you based and what are you looking to get done?
  3. I get LOI's very very rarely on a GNS480. Generally just wait a few seconds for the box to self correct. I believe most of my LOI's were due to a missing filter on COM2. having typed that, generally prepared to switch to other navigation if needed.
  4. I once forgot to latch the door before takeoff, took like 10 minutes to figure out why it was so darn noisy. slowed and banked, reached over shut and latched the door, non-issue.
  5. I'm planning on installing the garmin gi275 based eis, one primary instrument instead of 2 for the EI
  6. GRRRRR, wish they just get on with it. Phase out the lead and just move the heck on
  7. always keep birdy topped off, like worrying about gas when i get back rather than prior to flight
  8. I get 256Gb apple and android, primarily due to my being lazy and not wanting to monitor what's downloaded. I just set the apps to download EVERYTHING, weather, maps, terrain, helicopter maps etc.... also, while flying is the primary usage, i now tend to keep a few games/movies just to pass time. If you can, get one with cell service, never know when you'll drop your phone off a plane at an airport and end up stuck. I've done this hehe
  9. Try Garmin Pilot, for the approx same level Gp if i remember correctly is like 50$ cheaper. both will have everything you need for ifr flight. geo referenced plates and taxi are worth it
  10. Welcome, JM. I'm envious, those new owner days were amazing 8). I'm up @KDWH, KLBX and KCLL are my favorite spots.
  11. bit of backstory, the plane came with a stratus installed but as I didn't own any apple products I couldn't use foreflight; purchased a gdl393d and happily used gp on android for years. 2 years ago the accountant got me an IPAD mini for christmas. So as my GP sub is coming to it's end i decided to try foreflight. Side by side, Garmin Pilot seems a bit cleaner, i prefer it's maps. foreflight does have slightly better weather layers but GP is def not a slouch. also for me, GP displays all data from 1800wxbrief including your weather briefing. foreflights weather briefing is a bit more integrated. I say for me as that may be dependent on the provider you select in the setup. To be honest, I was actually disappointed in foreflight, mainly due to it not being head and shoulders better than GP. Now this may be a recent thing as Garmin seems to be updating Pilot at a furious pace. Mostly due to the cost, i'll be staying with GP. can't handle anymore boeing fees, they charged me 617$ this year for maps for my GNS480.
  12. HMM, maybe co2 blasting ?
  13. smh, what would u expect? an expensive piece of property serving the Rich few??????? there's money behind it, while they get you to blame "Liberals"
  14. HEY HEY now, i wouldn't NEVER exaggerate my airspeed 8)
  15. Trutrak has a finite window for me, once my hsi or ai breaks i'm going gfc500.
  16. My 1974 E is the same way, fold down rear seats, 6pack, Electric Gear (gasp) and flaps. Now has gns480, pma8000g, surefly, stratus adsb-in/out. pretty nice. also with the seats in flying position there is def good room for backseaters, more room than my camaro by far. I may be mistaken but I think my seats travel further than earlier models, in my plane being 6ft ish, its impossible to even stretch and touch the rudders with the seats all the way back.
  17. talk to yash@Lasar. planning on having him work on my plane once i can distract my CFO.
  18. Unfortunately, found out my CFI friend @kdwh has left us for the airlines. 8)
  19. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, only 24hrs AFTER i purchased my new zulus 8)
  20. you're in luck, there is a mooney CFI actually on field, msg me your info i'll pass it along.
  21. I feel, a properly working PC system is kinda like a cheat code, it just makes flying soooo easy. makes trivial approaches and ifr flying. once i upgrade to the trutrak( yeah i know ) or GFC 500, i feel i'm gonna miss it's firm handling. I'd just fly the plane at some point you'll almost forget the system is working in the background.
  22. you can pop the button up a bit to disable the pc. I've just gotten used to flying with it on, it's become muscle memory to push/release the pc button at this point
  23. just remembered. it comes with a rechargeable battery, a standard battery holder, a cigarette lighter adapter, a home charger, headset adapter and a few other doohickies. pretty much everything you could possibly need is in the box. Might want to buy a backup antennae, i seem to break them once a year or so.
  24. seems to work as well as the nav radios for the localizer at KDWH but have to admit i haven't really played with it much. I'd rather have it than not in a pinch but honestly, things have gotten really bad if i'm at that point.
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