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Everything posted by TonyK

  1. I'm planning on Saturday as well. I'll be going wheels up from Rutland early and then a quick hop up to Burlington to pick up my oldest son before heading east. Forefllight is calling 1.5hrs total. Anyone done any flights near the Mt. Washington area? Anything to be aware of?
  2. Pilatus PC-24 for local trips, pattern work and doing touch and goes. A pilots pass to the Air and Space Museum so I can borrow the right aircraft for the mission. Since I didn't manage to win I think I will just go clean the belly of my old F this weekend.
  3. But everyone walked away. In the end the Mooney did its job very well.
  4. I am pretty sure I would require copious amounts of industrial medication prior to making the first cut into my wing. Just the thought of it makes me want to lie down with an ice pack.
  5. Look up Sanford Orlando KSFB. It's a quick trip up the beltway to UCF.
  6. Chris, This is going to be an odd question but do you have any pictures that you could post? I have bladders in my airplane and have wondered what they look like when they are out. I've looked down the cap but it's dark and usually full of fuel.
  7. Duly noted. Perhaps they will take pity on me when they see my old F and fill my tanks just so I don't clutter up their ramp.
  8. The woman who I spoke with at the FBO said they would be marshaling airplanes onto their ramp for parking. I wanted to go to OSH but life got in the way and I really want to make the first trip in there with someone who has done it before.
  9. Are there any other Mooney Space members attending the Great State of Maine Airshow on the 26th and 27th? I called the organizer and the local FBO. They are closing the airport at 11:00 for a 12:00 start. Opening back up at 4:00-5:00. Anyone going? http://greatstateofmaineairshow.us
  10. I think I remember hearing that the dye was added at the fuel terminal prior to delivering it to the retail facilities. That might explain the difference in color saturation.
  11. Closing their eyes because they are scared to death doesn't count as sleeping. They aren't all going to be diamonds. Just learn something and move on down the road.
  12. Yeah but who hasn't been there and done that? I mean really that could happen to any of us. Well....sort of. Okay maybe not really.
  13. It may be pretty mundane to many of you but I used my Mooney to do my work commute for the first time this week. I have been working a contract in Boston, MA but live near Rutland, VT. My Tuesday morning commute starts off around 4:00am to be in for early meetings. That got cut down to 38 minutes air time and another 30 minutes from KOWD into the customer site. Amazing to get into the meetings and not be exhausted from the drive and in a pretty lousy mood from the BOS traffic. The way out today was a bit more interesting since they were calling for heavy thunderstorms. I hit a wall of rain as soon as the gear was up in the wells and my strike finder earned it's keep most of the way home. The return trip was 58 minutes from KOWD to KRUT due to the dancing between the dots I was having to do. Not as cool as going someplace interesting but huge for me. Yea Mooney!
  14. Wow that was a very nice video. Well done to everyone!
  15. I am not in the NYC airspace all that often but when I have gone through, over or around they have been very accommodating. I'm sure the locals will chime in but I think you will find it a non event. Just pay attention to the radios they are usually busy and the transmissions are fast and to the point.
  16. It's nice to see that oil threads are the same on every type of forum.
  17. I wish I had known how important speed control was when I bought my F. I came out of a baby beech where you could point it at the ground with the flaps out and actually slow down (maybe a bit of a stretch). My F does not suffer fools anywhere near as nicely. The other thing was the documentation like the Owners Manual. Mine may have started off looking like the OM in 1974 but a lot has changed with the airplane which has made much of the documentation more of a suggested starting place for research than something to be taken a fact. Blue skies and tailwinds for your return home.
  18. Made a quick hop up to Burlington, VT KBTV to pick up my son and daughter in-law then over to Lake Placid, NY for some lunch and wandering around. I failed to preflight the social calendar for Lake Placid and found that there was a Ironman race going on. That would have been really neat except the course ran past the airport on the only access road and had the route totally closed to vehicle traffic. So we enjoyed a 2.4 mile walk each way. Still managed lunch but the wandering around was spent hoofing it back out to the airport. The worst part was I felt like I couldn't even complain about the walk with all of the competitors going by.
  19. Glad that worked out. That was an amazing confluence of events.
  20. Words from a 20 something year old CFI. If you stall brand X you will die. If you are hot on brand C you will die. Don't get that because you will die. Get this. My take on it is that if they were so damn hard to fly there wouldn't be so many of them out there. Buy the airplane that suits you and your mission and learn to fly it properly. That is unless you buy a Cessna and then if you leave the ground you will die!
  21. In the long run the airplane will be cheaper than the kids so it's a good offering.
  22. I managed to get another full video. Watertown, NY to Rutland, VT. Big tailwind but really bumpy.
  23. Been there, done that. The bartender told us they lose a tourist every few years.
  24. The F1 teams use battery operated leaf blowers to cool the brakes and engine when they are in the pit boxes. How about one with at tail of skeet tube into the cowling? If you had the weight to spare some of them might give you 40 minutes of 180mph airflow.
  25. I have only seen 1/2 - 1" of MP change using it from 7500' - 12,500' depending on throttle and prop settings. I'm not sure it's worth it.
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