That one had plenty wrong with it. My ground track on takeoff was awful. On the landing I was at first asked to join the downwind and then when I got closer the tower had me change up and just come in on the base to final. That left me high and fast. I should have anticipated it and slowed down / got down farther out. I had a two part base to final turn. I overshot my landing zone by at least 300 feet and I lost the centerline on my rollout trying to find the taxi way the tower asked if I could make. It was smooth enough but still lots of room for improvement. I had one for the blooper reel a week or so ago but the GoPro didn't get it. Came in too fast with a pretty good cross wind. Float, float, float, gust, balloon, prang! I should have cut my losses and just gone around but thought I could salvage it. (Wrong thinking) I have to take my hat off to the guys who can make the videos of all of the different angles and have a talk track etc. I'm having a hard enough time getting the darn thing to stay turned on. I've only managed to actually make two videos in four attempts but I think it's going to be a good tool for hot washing my flights.