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Bug Smasher

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Bug Smasher last won the day on September 5 2016

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About Bug Smasher

  • Birthday January 30

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    Santa Rosa, CA
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    Aviation and motorcycles.
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  1. Sounds like fun - I plan to attend and see everybody. Cheers! Andy
  2. Glad everyone is ok. What are the odd the driver of the truck was looking at his phone? He didn’t even slow down.
  3. Advanced Aircraft in Troutdale, OR.
  4. Lots of opportunities for LPV approaches in coastal California and Oregon. It's especially useful at fields with no ILS.
  5. In spite of the high CHTs during climb, it sounds like the longevity of your engine has not been impacted since you are still going strong at 1950 hrs. Glad to hear you're keeping her. Good luck with upgrade and please post some good pics when it's done!
  6. Nice useful load for a Bravo.
  7. Estimating 28 years x 12 months x $300 = $100,800 paid to the airport in hangar rents. Whoops!
  8. Jimmy, your issue with lenders applies only in cases where the buyer needs maximum leverage and the bank's valuation comes up short, right? In many cases, I imagine the buyer would bring in additional cash to make up the difference. If the buyer is unable to scrounge up an additional $10-20k for an increased down payment, they may be unprepared for airplane ownership.
  9. I agree with the idea that Mooney buyers tend to be heavy researchers. That's why they have zeroed in on Mooney types in the first place. Speed, efficiency, safety, capability, value = Mooney.
  10. I usually see 160+ TAS, but I fly ROP. 10.5 to 11.5 GPH.
  11. Just curious, what is the useful load on this FIKI Bravo? Looks like a great airplane.
  12. Coast is more scenic and clear air. Worth the extra time in my opinion.
  13. This looks like a great deal. I was quoted $14k plus 80-90 hrs labor for a 64 gallon system back in January of this year. I suppose that was a terrible quote...? Anyway, it made a proper strip and reseal with a warranty seem like a bargain, so that's what I did.
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