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kpaul last won the day on September 17 2017

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    1976 M20F
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  1. Well since my GFC500 was Garmin factory installed and that is how both the engineers and test pilots told me how to use it, I think I will continue to fly it that way. I can also say that I have not had any of the issues that many others have. I would have to assume that some of these problems are installation issues.
  2. That is exactly what it does. I can climb out with my feet off the rudders and the ball is centered. When altitude is captured and the plane accelerates, the ball is still centered. I fly a M20F with 2xG5s and GFC500.
  3. My baggage door and ignition are the same key, at some point the main door lock was replaced so it is different.
  4. Oasis Aero is Wilmer MN, Mooney service center with a good reputation.
  5. Last flight tracked on Flight Aware was Oct 2020...at least it's stored in a hangar in dry country. I live about 25 Mooney minutes south of Great Falls. My last annual was done by Jerry Gresens at Helena Aircraft. Jerry was in business before I started flying and has experience with Mooneys. He would be a good resource if you get towards a PPI. (406)442-8360
  6. I am with you. I don't have the pallet for IPAs. I do enjoy dark beers. In fact, the current beer in my kegerator is a Rootbeer Porter from a local brew house.
  7. KGGG - Don Maxwell
  8. I assume you are talking about Jewell Aviation in Kennett Missouri. https://www.jewellaviation.com/default.htm
  9. It is very regional. When I was living and flying around the Southeast, the BS on guard was ridiculous. The constant "meow" and "GUARD" drug out in a gravely voice was awful. Now that I am in the Northwest guard is nearly silent other then the occasional first officer calling dispatch on the wrong frequency.
  10. I have the CYA-100 installed. The display was mounted into the edge of the glare shield. It is very easy to keep in your scan. In the below picture you can see the red light illuminated.
  11. At 16AMUs, no thanks!
  12. They do not do the IFR checks, however, they have a couple of folks that will come to KMRN to complete the checks. Make sure you let them know and hopefully it can get scheduled during your annual. That is what I had to do in the past.
  13. I believe the AD would be signed off as N/A due to part number of the shaft installed. I have a few ADs on my plane that are signed off that way each annual.
  14. My GFC500 was factory installed as it was the certification aircraft for the F/G. I have never had any issue with the autopilot engaging while landing.
  15. He bought the late Bob Belville's E. It is worth north of 100K already, and sold close to the number you claim is unsellabe. Now, will it sell for $160K after another 40K of avionics gets added, probably not.
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