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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. Just flashed to an old Doors song. Thank you for that. They had another song that describes this thread..."People are Strange"...
  2. Not being argumentative, BUT, if you are pilot in command and you inspected/fueled the plane, WHY would you EVER have the only option of switching tanks right after take-off? I understand if you have lost power/engine running rough/EMERGENCY, but otherwise WHY?
  3. When you say what you really think...your thread gets banned, you get banned, I get banned. Face to face. THAT is the way to communicate...when it is personal.
  4. Didn't re-start the thread. Having a wuff day? Does someone need a widdle wuv? You poor ting. I could make it beda by sending wu a print too... But I won't.
  5. I like bragging about bladders much better than panels, but both are awesome... Like Weep-No-More and Paul Beck. Class, Character, Awesome. Coincidence? I don't think so...Florida has a negative marketing strategy. Saw it before on MS. Pretty pathetic. Here is a great rumor: "A certain Florida shop asked a certain Midwest shop for them to "teach" them how to do their sealing process....Funny. Kind of like Nike asking Under-Armour how to market.
  6. The parachute can float down with the biggest piece after they break up. Nice.
  7. Company I work for is in pursuit of commercial use of Drones to inspect commercial building roofs. They are using me, a licensed pilot, to secure waiver for drone use.
  8. Well done sir! Way to fly the airplane! Looking forward to hearing what went wrong. Made my day to hear you are O.K.
  9. Expert works for me David. Impressive resume. I have a nice A4 Skyhawk print (my dad did original watercolor and made prints) PM me your address and I will send one your way.
  10. I am based in Midwest and had Poplar Grove do my first overhaul on my A1A with 1850 on engine. I am 500 hours post overhaul going oversize on my cylinders vs. Factory new. Time will tell on whether that was a good financial decision, but so far so good.
  11. Hair is over-rated. That is useful load gained...If you shave.
  12. Congrats. You were a wise guy then and now with your great ride
  13. Alex started it mom...
  14. Yup, if you remove the Tampon they bleed Mooney..or money, I can never remember...
  15. I believe you are not correct...
  16. Horizon is different...BUT a nice 8-pack 430 and electric trim. Pretty nice set-up. You did very well! Enjoy
  17. P.S. Market down how much today? Timmy is laughing....
  18. Great paint. Speed slope windshield. Nice cowl closure and exhaust. How about the interior? Certainly there is something that needs a major infusion of AMU's... Congratulations on your beautiful bird. Fly safe on your visits to see your dad. Enjoy him while you have got him. Take him up and watch him smile. Well done sir, well done.
  19. Wonderful to see such a beautiful and at the time (trying to beat the ME109 for speed record) advanced airframe fly. Too bad they didn't have a longer runway to give them extra measure of safety on the maiden flight. Glad it was a minor incident. That is part of testing something new. Hope it flies again soon!
  20. O.K. gotcha. My point really was everything will eventually wear to failure with use/abuse. You need to inspect/maintain and minimize abuse to maximize life before repair/replacement. Nosegear do get used/abused to the point of failure. That was my point Byron. Thank you for the clarification on a formal "life limit".
  21. A vintage Mooney is NOT an Ovation...or a K Model, or a Rocket or an Eagle or a Missile. It is not turbo-charged (OEM) or high performance. All Mooney's are not created equel in complexity of systems or unusual to fly in comparison to an Arrow. That said, I would not be comfortable flying any other airplane other than my own without transitional instruction and sign-off that I was competent to safely fly the plane. I would not have friends and family fly with me until I was satisfied that I and the plane were competent to complete the Mission. I would not necessarily require an expert in the airframe, but that would be a plus FOR SURE. A requirement for safe learning and operation? No.
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