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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. What are the populations of China & India compared to US? Keep breeding humans. What could happen? No worries, just come to the U.S of A...
  2. +1 mine would bang the receiver if I didn't guide the swing. I too just latch without consciously using thumb detent to lock down gear. Collar pulled and it swings baby.
  3. The thumb button and J-Bar Chrome sleeve should push/slide seamlessly. Something is not right. Get it on jacks and get that sorted. No way should it require more than light pressure to push and slide. Yes, the swing is the learning curve...should be. Probably NOT a big deal. Good luck. Let us know. How much time on the plane? Mine is fine at 2500ish hours on airframe.
  4. The Ultimate J is a Long body or an E? Funny. The ultimate J is Bennett's. End of story... (That's how you do a triple period)
  5. From my upcoming Speech: Trust & Faith are critical to grow. Again, I was amazed as first you would let me grasp your hands and spin you around and around...Then a hand and a foot...around and around...and finally both feet, back arched-around and around... I used to get so dizzy and was so afraid I would fall and fail you on a flight. You continued to grow and I needed a Mooney to carry on lifting you into the clouds...
  6. Your incident is why I always have a set of extra keys to plane in my car, my nightstand and hanging on my flight bag. I also have an ignition key that is hanging separately on my flight bag. It is what is used to start plane, so other keys don't dangle/block/scratch panel. Good luck. Making keys is cheap...Losing/stranding yourself, not so much...
  7. Ultimate J thread, right?
  8. G3 has been flawles for function since install/upgrade from a GEM 602. I value the primary Cylinder Temp and Exhaust and the redundancy to my individual digital EI for tach/MP/Volts/Oil Temp/fuel flow. Removed old temp gauge with the unit install. Small enough to fit left of 8-pack. Lean set feature is easy. I have zero desire to "upgrade" to a flat screen panel space hog. Love the G3.
  9. Agree 100%, though I did not serve in combat, so can't say with impunity. I do feel that vets just want to be accepted and acknowledged for their service...EXCEPT those that were seriously wounded. I hate to read Marcus Luttrell talking about how awful the VA is and how he would never go to the VA for treatment. THAT is where we can and MUST provide for our soldiers that are trying to rebuild their battered bodies and minds. Quality prompt medical service. THAT is a debt we owe our troops for their service. The VA has failed based on articles I have read.
  10. They did get paid. Today's soldier's volunteered. Not so much back in Vietnam.
  11. It is called an opinion. It was asked for. Then when an opinion, which I did not have and REALLY COULD HAVE USED, is provided...I am "BASHING". Whatever. Here is some more. Average twenty something is soft. They have been coddled and spoiled and when they here a voice that differs from theirs they get offensive and attack. Stereotyping? Yes. Not all, Many. The voices with 1-50 posts...the wannabees can go in to owneership with eyes wide open or be like I was a naive little airplane loving idiot that got in way over his head financially because he made an edict to his wife..."We are buying an airplane, you can get on board or not". Directives don't go over well...especially when they result in a flood gate of financial responsibility. You can buy quality or buy a fixer-upper that will require a LOT OF MONEY to be safe. I tried to give context to be an informed buyer....some would say that is bashing. My response to them is "Do whatever the hell you want with your money" I welcome your emptying of your wallets to fund your $30k Dream machine. I have BEEN there and DONE that. -The wise basher
  12. Yeah...It's Mission Control that has the accent...
  13. My words are MY words. I said I DON'T WANT A $30K MOONEY. I DON'T. If you sold your "great plane" for peanuts sounds like a personal problem. Apparently YOUR plane WAS NOT worth more...In other words. There was no market for YOUR plane.
  14. Reality is harsh me thinks. Yes.-Yoda
  15. Wow 201er...Just WOW...
  16. I am flashing back to 1976-80...as the late Yoggi Berra said: "It's deja vu all over again"...
  17. Flying VFR down below a low overcast on Sunday. I was 10 miles north doing 140 knots. A King Air called and I was vectored to 240 for traffic. I finally reduced power as I was getting a ways away from airport. (to west) I was then vectored back to 180 and slowed for King Air. Not sure why (at the time) I got bottom slotted, but now the fuel flow and perhaps that he was IFR took precidence over my VFR approach? Anyway, no biggie as it just gave me a few more minutes to enjoy in my Mooney. I then sat at the threshold of 9/27 waiting to cross to my hanger. Sat for a couple minutes idling and controller finally said "O.K. to cross 9er, but expedite for incoming traffic on ten mile final. Alrighty then.
  18. All true EXCEPT there is a LOT wrong with a Prius...
  19. No doubt. You already stated and the above information is what it is. Giving the US Government Billions will make it all better now won't it. VW makes a great car. Consumers will vote for them at the dealerships. They will pay and play. Should the CEO be drawn and quartered on the public square with Pay per view going to Big G too? What do you want Hank? Your outrage is duly noted. I still think the Diesel's (2.0 liter) are underwhelming to drive and the savings are not there with dthe price premium for the Tech. I voted away from Tiguan at last purchase (for wife) due to VW not bringing "good stuff" Scirocco and GDL to U.S. Sadly U.S. vehicles are not even in the game (SUV) and Sport Coupe for my taste/price-point. I will eat my own turd before I ever buy/drive a GM (Government Motors) product. But that is just me.
  20. Thank God I am a bottom-line guy.
  21. Yes. There are plenty of vintage 60's muscle cars to invest in and enjoy. You are heavily penalized for buying new in my state (10 years of taxes on purchase price average) 2006 is the key year to find a pampered princess to welcome home. Regressive taxation to punish those that support new emissions and retail commerce. Awesome. I will buy used thank you very much Mr. politician.
  22. They are. It is called the right foot. Use of cruise control. How you accelerate from a stop. How you cancel cruise (plan ahead) vs. braking for traffic, speed reductions... Nice to have both at your disposal.
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