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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. Doubt it is you. Should not be squirelley. Get it check out ASAP. If it is loose (mine was) Laser brass insert and shims work great. Good luck. Be careful.
  2. Didn't I read "bring/take your parachute"...
  3. There are a lot of semantical egos at work here. I learned that the VNE of my same model of plane increased the yellow bottom and VNE speed. I fly my plane a lot in the yellow based on the airspeed indicator markings at the time it was manufactured. I have some validation that my plane is "stronger than I thought". I operate the plane never exceeding my VNE. I like "thinking", right or wrong that my plane was overbuilt and I have added margins for safety. I flat DON'T LIKE when I am told without real scientific proof that I am operating my aircraft in an unsafe manner. If pilots want to be more conservative in their decent...Fine. Don't make me out to be flying on the edge of safety to "make up climb time" when I decend within operating envelope in clear, non-turbulent air.
  4. I'm thinking of a Led Zepplin tune.....
  5. I would question what the flap and rudder have to do with yellow arc and VNE. With regard to breaking the wings or tail off in decent. We fly our planes in similar fashion on powered decent. Crazy thrill seekers that we are
  6. You either have a sense of humor or you are being goofy with this. You throw out a cryptic "Safety" statement and talk about planes just breaking up in decent and then say find your own research after you post a goofy thread about a crash in another country that may or may not have involved a bird strike. Not good.
  7. I think it was because Kromer whined about not liking that he flies vintage Mooney's in the yellow arc all the time. They were just being environmentally kind and not wasting paint on 1960's airframes...
  8. B.S. Don't roll that out without giving clip of scenario Peter. I call shenanigans!
  9. I will take your statement and raise it. Why does a 1970 C Model have a bottom of yellow at 170MPH and a VNE of 200 vs. my 1966 M20E? B.S. My "official" yellow bottom is 150 and not 170 and VNE is 189 NOT 200...NO Difference in the airframes like the E and F. I fly it like it was made in 1970...
  10. One of the better paint schemes I have seen on a vintage round window bird. I REALLY like the scheme. I think that is what Ross was saying. Don't change it. Looks fast sitting still
  11. I had that and it grew to misting windscreen in a two-hour flight. Not a big oil loss, but was a safety of flight issue. After two prop seals learned that the case halves had separated...Overhaul soon followed. First for that engine.
  12. Yowza! Just beautiful. State of the art. Enjoy!
  13. Love your smile and your bird. Love the "community" of enthusiasts you have surrounding and supporting your effort. I can't imagine all the pride and emotion your dad has inside for your realization of this dream. Enjoy!
  14. I thought this was a thread about the dude that robbed and parachuted out...Definitely BIG money in the flight levels that day
  15. I didn't know the 70's saw a major increase in yellow. My bottom is 150MPH. Interesting. I cruise in yellow ALL THE TIME. 175 or 180, not a big difference. I use 180 as max in decent and pitch to keep below. I use 180 only because it is last clear number before VNE 189.
  16. After reading all the comments I am trying to interpret what is being said. My understanding from what I have read is that if you are decending and are below VNE...regardless of what ground speed is reading (in smooth air) you are O.K. regarding flutter onset with neutral/reasonable control inputs. EVEN if up high in a turbo...because they designed the airframe considering factors and established the VNE based on airframe remaining intact regardless of groundspeed/altitude up to certified altitude for airframe. Throw in turbulence or aggressive control inputs and you become a test pilot. Reduce speed get out of yellow. Is this correct? I descent at full throttle and trim for 500FPM decent in clear air. I will shallow my decent if and when I approach 180MPH indicated. I don't mess around in rough air. I slow down. You are getting beaten up anyway. I NEVER exceed VNE...EVER.
  17. If you fly with the J guy...You WILL buy a J. Have fun. (Short-bodies are great, but J is JJJJJjjjust right) *Guy that has a short body and loves it, but couldn't get a J for what they are selling for now...and wishes he could.
  18. In the scenario where a pilot died they overstressed the airframe when they were still thousands of feet in the air. Not a high time pilot. Spacial disorientation, ice or a combination. He was not in control and did the human thing, panicked, pulled hard enough to break the plane apart. I like the reduce power, roll level and recover as necessary based on altitude. He was done before he was done. I am not IFR, so "don't get into this" is my prevention, not "how hard to pull" or "trim" when I am in full panic mode. For the record I hope to never be in full panic mode in my plane. This and mid-air collisions are likely to get you to full PM. Thanks for clarification on the callback vs. there on his altitude and the Camaro backseat. I hope no one reading this ever has to try out the required recovery at 240 knots...
  19. O.K. The pilot reported that he was "at 2900 feet", right? How did the plane break-up at 8-9k feet if he was at 2900? Weird. He was either lying on his altitude at report and diving to get there and it got out of hand or he got into severe updraft with the weather? Or what? I am not understanding what happened there? What are your interpretations of what happened in that plane on that date to produce that result? Obviously he got into a dive and the elevators failed resulting in a break-up of the wing, but why did he get over 240knots? Spacial disorientation? That weird weather/cell that was NOT as described by official weather, but included heavy rain and wind? Pretty awful to read. No way to go out...Just not understanding this one. SAD.
  20. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING is worse than a sticky shaft. Lubricate people, LUBRICATE...
  21. Good read/Bad read. Good to know info. Bad day. Was this a Rocket conversion?
  22. Uh Oh, there's the first....Nevermind, forgot what I was going to say...
  23. Understand. My response was to another post that sender responded too...
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