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Everything posted by toto

  1. FYI https://mooneyspace.com/topic/27744-lsa-weight-change-to-3600lbs-soon/
  2. Yep. Though they do have LSA amphibians with retracts, I doubt seriously that normal category complex ac will ever meet LSA restrictions.
  3. Ironically, Mooneys may end up being too fast to qualify for the new LSA designation (if 150mph is a real thing). But more than anything else, this would be one more nail in the coffin for the dozens of light sport manufacturers. Otoh, I really like the idea of having a proper "entry-level" pilot certificate to replace the recreational cert that always seemed sort of useless to me. The sport pilot cert has been hurt by the limited availability of LSA trainers, and opening up the 15x/17x/PA28x aircraft could be a real boon to initial training.
  4. I always (maybe too charitably) assume that the high-priced FBOs work mostly on contract, and don't have much transient business. So their transient prices are crazy and even the desk staff don't know much about them.
  5. Unless I'm misunderstanding what we're talking about, it shouldn't be more than straight shop time. My shop normally does upgrades for free when the plane is in for something else. So I end up with a $0.00 line item on the invoice for the software update.
  6. They had to build in a safety margin above the terrain..
  7. It's to avoid descent into Stonehenge.
  8. I dunno. That's the only data point I have seen first-hand, so I was just responding to your question about real numbers. Since the hardware is $13k, I was really interested to know the all-in cost, and I was kind of shocked at the $25k estimate. But it is what it is. If other shops are installing two G5s and a GFC500 for two grand, then my local shop is definitely high.
  9. My shop guesstimated $25k for a GFC500 and two G5s, which would put install at $12k (assuming they guesstimated retail for the toys). The same shop doesn't do TruTrak, so it's a little hard to compare apples-to-apples, but iirc TruTrak estimates an average install time of around 18 hours. If I'm playing with round numbers, assuming shop time is $100/hr and the TruTrak is 20 hours, that's $12k vs $2k, or a $10k difference in the installation cost alone. For the toys, it's $13k vs $6k, so an installed price of $25k vs $8k is believable. Of course, you don't technically need two G5s for the GFC500, but you do need one, and I suspect that many would opt for the second G5 while the panel is open. In any event, a $17k delta ain't nothin.
  10. Interesting. Is the GP lightning data coming from XM, ADS-B, or cellular? Is the delay comparable to the 5m+ nexrad delay, or is it closer to real-time? On a stormy day I'd stress about interference using any wireless source. I like having the airborne SS data even when the ground-based or satellite stuff is being flakey. That said, I've always had good luck with XM around storms, and I've always had good luck with ADS-B. Cellular data is very hit-or-miss ime, and I don't use it for anything but the occasional email. If reception is reliable, my biggest concern would be data delay. I always expect the SS to agree with what I see out the window, and if it doesn't, I believe the SS
  11. Yep, that's true. I wondered why the last four quarts kept spilling out all over the ramp
  12. Sounds a little high to me but not outrageous. A case of oil can run over $100 retail with shipping, and an oil filter is $30ish. So you're in for almost a buck and a half anyway if you buy fancy oil. Shop time including cowl removal and cutting open an oil filter could easily be more than an hour. So $300 seems about a half-hamburger high but nbd.
  13. +1 on having a SS in your toolkit. I don't ever fly through red nexrad myself, but a moderate radar return with a clear SS path is far better than a light return with the SS lit up. In my ADM calculus, it's the difference between an airmet and a convective sigmet
  14. Probably freaking hot in there, if nothing else It's not like you could bail out in that scenario.
  15. Thanks, internet:
  16. Yep, the Harrier came of age in the slide-rule era I saw a documentary a few years ago that showed a Harrier pilot with an inop nose near - carrier crew basically stacked up some boxes on the deck, and the pilot hovered with the nose directly over the boxes, chopped power, and successfully landed a plane with no nose gear and no damage.
  17. No idea what the history is for this guy, but I suspect that modern military VTOL implementations (V-22, F-35) depend heavily on computer assist.
  18. Reviving a thread that ended on a sour note.. A sharp-eyed IA noticed on last annual that my Halon fire extinguisher is pointing at the very low end of the "green" arc, and suggested either refilling or purchasing a new one. I asked a firefighter friend if he knew where to get a Halon fire extinguisher "topped off" and he had no idea. I actually have no clue whether bottom of the green means it's at 99% capacity, or at 50% capacity, but it feels like tempting fate to keep flying around with a questionable safety item. It looks like I can buy a new one for about $200. What's the right thing to do here? Replace with a new Halon unit? Try to find a place that can do the hydrostatic test and refill? Buy a Halotron replacement?
  19. FltPlan is the only service I use for filing flight plans, and FltPlan Go is my standard CB alternative to the paid apps. I'm kinda hoping that Garmin will end up offering a "free" tier for the GP app to replace FltPlan Go.
  20. It wouldn't surprise me if this *is* a broker with a cleverer approach than usual.
  21. Ooh, that's interesting. I have a pair of VFF running shoes, which were never very good for running, but they're amazingly comfortable "walking around" shoes. I didn't know they had less-sporty options.
  22. You can always check with your nearest FSDO. I doubt their schedule is more open than a DPE, but the ride is free.
  23. I think you'll have very limited integration with a Garmin transponder or navigator. I'm in the same boat, and basically waiting to see whether Garmin decides to compete with a G3X product against the Dynon product. If the HDX were available today I'd buy it. But if the G3X and the HDX were both available today, I'd buy the G3X in a heartbeat and I wouldn't think twice. I'd much rather have a fully integrated system, but it's really hard for me to imagine spending TXi money just to avoid a couple of extra button pushes.
  24. Out of curiosity, if you were to have a shop do the full install, can you placard the AP inop and hand-fly for a couple months until the paperwork comes through? What's the likelihood that the FAA requires significant changes to the conforming device after it's already been approved for other types?
  25. Are you saying that requiring higher alternate minimums is intended to force pilots to be more conservative with fuel planning? FWIW, I always associate the filed alternate with nordo situations.
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