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Everything posted by toto

  1. I’ve been kicking G5 tires for a long time, semi-seriously watching listings on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. There seems to be a never ending supply of Inogen units, I guess because people who go on medical oxygen are pretty sick and don’t stay on it for long.
  2. Understood. I was just using “XM” as a shorthand for “satellite receiver.” But you’re saying that the marine subscription trick works only if you have an XM receiver that predates the Sirius merger?
  3. Interesting, thanks. I have a GDL52 but with no XM subscription. Sounds like the trick only worked when using a standalone XM antenna that was common to both the aviation and marine units?
  4. I haven’t had an XM subscription in a number of years, but the last time I had it, the “Aviator” plans were quite expensive relative to other XM offerings, and I remember hearing that you could order a marine subscription for about half the price and just give them the radio id for your aviation unit.. Has anyone tried that trick?
  5. Definitely. From anonymous internet comments, my understanding at this point is that one wing impacted (something) on landing rollout, which sheared the wing and caused the aircraft to flip. It stopped rolling when the other wing impacted the ground, and came to a rapid stop. Must have been terrifying for everyone on board.
  6. Fair enough I also like the airworthiness certificate because it's sort of the thing most similar to a birth certificate. The data plate doesn't have quite the same feel.
  7. Not much information available yet. Delta CRJ, sounds like everyone made it. It hasn’t been a great year for the type https://asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/478376
  8. I mean, I would think the airworthiness date from the airworthiness certificate is the best “birth date” … or at least that’s how I always thought of it
  9. Within a few minutes of publication, the text weather from ADS-B and XM should be identical. There is absolutely no reason to spend money on an XM subscription for text weather. I honestly didn’t understand that the question was about text weather. The difference I see between XM and ADS-B is in the graphical depictions, particularly the NEXRAD depictions. I would never pay for an XM subscription for text weather, and as you said, you can review text publications using an ADS-B receiver for distant airports.
  10. My opinion at the time was that having conflicting NEXRAD depictions was worse than having no radar picture at all, so I dropped the XM in favor of ADS-B. I’m not quite sure what you mean about getting weather prior to ATIS. A continuously updating NEXRAD depiction is quite a bit different from the information I would get from an ATIS recording. If I’m flying anywhere near weather, I have the NEXRAD overlaid on my moving map, and I find it invaluable. The danger with NEXRAD is that there’s always a delay between the observation and the update on your screen. So don’t use it to pick your way through a storm. But it’s fantastic for a picture of developing weather when you’re a half hour away.
  11. I cancelled XM about six months after getting the 345. People definitely prefer XM for the higher resolution, refresh rate and satellite vs ground source. But I had two separate displays, one showing XM weather and one ADS-B, and I really did not like having two different depictions of the same weather.
  12. I got one of these from NFlightCam and it works great https://www.nflightcam.com/products/nflightcam-audio-solution-for-gopro-hero5
  13. Well, I mean that’s a solvable problem. GAMI doesn’t make fuel, they just make a formula to make fuel, and they license that formula. I would expect Hjelmco to do the same?
  14. What’s the downside to the Hjelmco product?
  15. I have a G3X Touch and as much as I would love to have a consolidated knowledge base, I’m kind of indifferent about whether to have a dedicated forum. Many of the topics we discuss on Garmin avionics can apply to a variety of installed equipment.
  16. This is really the only sensible approach. There’s no way that GAMI expected the fuel to eat through tank sealant and ruin paint within weeks of the event at RHV. I’ve got to think that they expected happy customers. I’m super appreciative of the time and effort that @mluvara has put into his evaluation, and I hope that it helps identify areas of concern that can be addressed by GAMI moving forward. We all benefit hugely from unleaded avgas availability, and we all ultimately want the UL effort to succeed in one way or another.
  17. I normally use Dupage in Chicago, but my opinion would be to go VFR unless required by weather. My experience is that they’ll get rid of you as quickly as they can, and you’re far less likely to get a crazy routing under VFR than IFR. Ymmv
  18. That’s a really big Bonanza
  19. I’ve certainly lost an LCD or two in my flying career while the rest of the unit continued working Having a backup LCD on the iPad is cheap insurance for an LCD failure, but obviously the plane doesn’t fall out of the sky if you lose EIS. It’s a differentiating factor for GP over other EFB options.
  20. I’m not sure that I follow. The EIS on GP is a real time feed. My engine instruments are duplicated on the iPad, and adjustments are visible immediately. As you said, EIS data is also included in the flight data logging for later review, but you don’t need the flight data log to use EIS on GP.
  21. My experience with GP is that basically nothing works without a subscription. You can get to the settings page where you enter subscription information and almost nothing else.
  22. I mean, if we want an alternative engine for an post-100LL world and it’s not a DeltaHawk, it feels like it’s not going to be a piston engine. These guys have a vaporware turbine that seems kind of awesome: https://turb.aero/how-to-buy/certificated-engines From my perspective, the announcement of the G100UL STC was a watershed for the future of piston GA. We’ll figure out some kind of ceramic coating that it won’t eat, and we’ll have a few more decades of reciprocating engines until our Jetsons cars arrive.
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