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Everything posted by Browncbr1

  1. One person I know who paid for SV on his aspen said that he wished he had used the money doing something else because the display is so small that there wasn't really much benefit.
  2. I noticed smoother operation, especially LOP. Finewires will foul, but not as easily. There seem to be more value in finewires for those of us at airports where ground ops are extended. Extreme leaning helps massive plugs. Alcor TCP also helps if you are not running the engine hard enough. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Nevermind, I found out that garmin changed all their data products for portables something within the past year and I had inadvertently purchased a product last year that didn't include approach data... i guess it's another time to open up my wallet to Garmin..:(
  4. Which firmware do you have loaded? mine is 5.60 Also, on the startup screen, what does the database say? I updated nav data last year, but it just says "US VFR Navitation data".. Is there a different nav data product that would be different for IFR nav data? I keep looking on Garmin's website and have tried to call, but their wait time is 40 minutes..
  5. I think this applies to all Aera 500 series ... In order to select, load, and activate an approach, does the database have to be current? The option to select an approach isn't even showing up.. Usually, when something isn't available, the option appears, but is whited out and can't be selected... any advice?
  6. One annual, mine came out running poorly like it was flooding. It turned out that the shop set my timing to 20 instead of 25 as it had been in the past. Verify your timing.. The optional SB 1325a to retard timing to 20 sucks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Horizon at TYS has done two 24month IFRs on mine and each one was pretty painless. It's flat $325 It took a couple hours each time. Last time, I needed a new altimeter. I knew that going in though. I didn't like the lousy one that I had, so I went ahead and just bought one of their overhauled United instruments altimeter for $700 and they installed it without additional charge. It's really nice flying with an altimeter that isn't wonky! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. How is it compared to Bose X or a20?
  9. What cronyism.. Can't develop a competitive product to attract business, so regulate to force business. This kind of BS hurts the whole industry.
  10. I would definitely get it on its own breaker though. I had a loose cigarette lighter short out on me once while on taxi. Positive and negative sides of the receptical arc welded to each other. If that had been on the ignition circuit in the air... Yikes.
  11. yea, our FSDO won't even let you stamp the actual certified timing on the data plate. seems like there are some sane people in Wisconsin.
  12. It took me 30 minutes to remove and replace one main tire... You can use a big axle shaft or bolt that matches the inside diameter of the hollow trailing link and Jack from there just a half inch off the ground. That's with no previous experience doing it on my own, but I had seen it done before, which helped. One important thing if you do it on your own is to align the dot on the tire sidewalk opposite the valve stem for balancing purposes. Shop probably figured your partner was transient and may as well put the screws to you. Sorry to hear it.
  13. at 10k and above, your fine at 50 ROP... there isn't enough atmospheric pressure up there to hurt the engine no matter what you do. At that altitude, you are definitely making less than 60% power.. probably around 50% power actually.. Just be mindful of the red box below about 8000 DA for WOT/high RPM. Also, that red box link from above really should be sort of yellow or pink at the left and right extremities of where the red box is drawn.
  14. Hey David... will you be adding anti chaffing tape or something as a standard where the cheek panels overlay the lower cowl fiberglass?
  15. Peak is a very good and safe mixture setting as long as your not over 75% or so power setting. It is 50 degree ROP that is the hottest (highest internal cylinder pressure) and most damaging at higher power settings. Below about 60% power, it doesn't really matter what mixture is used, but if you are running 50ROP at a higher power setting, then you'll probably be replacing jugs eventually. My CHTs are cooler at peak compared to 100ROP at the same power setting.
  16. Previously, I was really interested to see what pipistrel has been doing, but I was really disappointed to just learn that they are, in fact, exporting all their IP and manufacturing technology to a Chinese supplier. It's a real pity to see so many play right into their hands. So short and narrow sighted. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Following the advice from others on MS, I have found that my engine is smoother and happier overall if I alternate ROP and LOP. I'll usually run ROP half way, then go LOP for the other half all the way to the ground. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Great idea Hyett. Another thing that just came to mind is ... Insist that your wife feeds each child the goldfish from her hand so they don't drop them everywhere in the back, making their way to the rear spar! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. The previous owner of my plane did this. It was just HVAC sheet metal that he bent to wrap around each wheel and the memory in the bends would hold them closed
  20. I hang reflective streamers around the hangar and also tape them near air frame openings. I've never had any issue with nests. ..yet I suppose that is just for birds though. To deter mice, get tons of pine tree perfume trees and hang them in wheel wells, tail cone. Any strong perfume works I believe. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Cool, that might help some people decide to upgrade if they can sell their old cowl closure. I'm waiting for your kit though! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Oh, ok, so it sounds like it is accomplishing the same thing two different ways. Either with an external ACU box or by modifying the brittain DG gain box.
  23. Is the transformer external or hard wired in the DG gain box? I talked to jerry and he said something needs to be soldered on the board to convert digital to analog?? Or are you using the porcine?
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