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Everything posted by Browncbr1

  1. I owned a company for 8 years doing business in china. I'm over it. I don't really buy clothes to be honest. I do when necessary. I've seen first hand what Koreans and Chinese do to American business. My own company name, logo, and intellectual property was stolen in 2013 by Koreans and then again in 2015 by Chinese. Praise Jesus, I just sold out my company, but not before Koreans again tried to steal all my intellectual property earlier this year, then I was able to more or less force a deal with a Chinese supplier in exchange for credit on cost of goods. Now that my hands are washed clean of Asia I am fully committed developing competitive local and regional manufacturing. One thing needs to be distinguished. I have no problem with equitable global trade and supply chain. I have no problem buying product conceived, designed, developed, and marketed domestically, even if manufactured elsewhere. I have an iPhone and love it... Apple generates lots of commerce and technology, and controls the IP... hell of I will ever buy a huwei, LG, or Samsung phone... that's just me though. I think it can often be a critical mistake when companies source manufacturing overseas, especially when dealing with export of manufacturing technologies and design patents. Such is the case for mooney. When Chinese steal or buy their way into our market, I don't want any part of it. As it is now, ASEAN countries have far too great direct and unfair access to the US market. This is just my humble opinion based on 15 years experience in international business. .
  2. One thing, that hasn't been mentioned much, is a critical factor for me. I love mooney and all, but when it became a Chinese company and all intellectual property exported to China, that is a complete non-starter for me. Once that happened, I don't care what the product is. I'll never buy into that. After having done international business for 15 years and seeing that crap happen more and more, it is touchy to me. I'm sure that many of those buying new planes must consider this as well.
  3. better wear your solar eclipse glasses when viewing this one! I have no idea who posted it https://lasar.com/contest/?contest=photo-detail&photo_id=1831
  4. FYI, garmin also announced they will amend the STCs for optional flush mount.
  5. I'm about to pull the trigger on dual g5s with a gtn650. Generally, shops are quoting all over the place. What is a little unexpected is that some shops are claiming that the HSI install will take more time than the Gtn, while others are saying the opposite. One shop says $2800 installed for the AI and $4800 installed for the HSI/gad29b/gmu11. Another shop wants $2975 for the HSI/gad29b/gmu11 and $2195 for the AI and $4000 to install both at the same time as installing the gtn for $3700. Still waiting on another couple of shops to come in with quotes before I decide.
  6. Coming in a little fast or with a little power on will set up for out of trim on flare, which can result in less than smooth landing due to the extra weight on the yoke. Especially if you're not used to landing up hill. Couple years ago, I had a hard landing going up hill. It can trick you and if you're not ready to add a little blurp of throttle, she will buck you. Just a little blurp of throttle can really make a world of difference between good and miserable landings. Retrim as soon as throttle is fully closed and put hand back on throttle! Glad nothing broke! go fly a few around the pattern to get your confidence back asap!!!
  7. beware of the Sherwin Williams overhaul.
  8. Yea, I'd love one! I've been looking for a free jug to make one myself!
  9. I read that the G5 HSI can be put into gpss mode to follow Gps nav signal with smooth intercepts, holds, etc of both Gps and vloc. It says you just put your AP in HDG mode and the G5 makes the appropriate signals to trick your AP in heading mode. Does this mean I wouldn't need to ever use my accutrak if I use this gpss feature on the HSI?
  10. I currently have an ipad mini on the yoke running fltplan go... I think determining DME in a pinch is no problem with available equipment, but wouldn't be legal... What is the deal with garmin pilot if you have a GTN? Do you get the app with charts and plates for the ipad included with the $300 annual GTN nav data subscription? Or is GP charged separately? I am happy with fltplan go, but if I can use GP freely and integrate with the GTN, that could be cool, but i think you have to buy the $1k wireless FS box as well? boooo
  11. I think remote DME is only available on the GTN750?
  12. good point about the precious data fields on screen. Having the aera510 would give me 4 additional fields over the GTN650. 8 total?
  13. Yea, I understood this as well, and it follows thatt the GTN value would be the only legal source for DME.. In the event I would lose the GTN, I would still need to ask ATC for DME calls on an approach, even though the Aera would still be operational. Otherwise, I'm asking for a contact approach or ASR
  14. I was thinking to interface the aera510 for the same reason folks interface a 796... I like the aera for its small foot print and same interface logic as the GTN. As I understand it, you can setup flight plan, activate approaches, etc on one or the other and it will apply changes to both units. In the event I lose the 650 or have complete electrical failure, I would still have the 510 (internal battery backup) without losing any data.
  15. I suppose in a pinch, I could always ask ATC for DME call outs as well...
  16. OK, I'm about 2 weeks from pulling the trigger on a panel makeover. I need advice about what to do with my KN-64 stand alone DME. I understand that certified IFR GPS can be used in lieu of a stand-alone DME for DME required approaches. Originally, I thought about keeping the KN-64, but I'm tight on panel space. I had always thought it would be better to keep it if a RAIM outage or other problem were to happen mid-flight... In that case, I would need backup DME to make the VOR approach to a field I visit regularly... Can anyone weigh in on if I should pull the DME and sell it or keep it? I'm planning to have dual G5s put in with the GTN, and interfaced with my Aera510.
  17. good points.. i have no idea.
  18. I have talked to Jerry at Brittain and he says he has converted many boxes to digital so that aspen pfds can drive the AP. Same setup would be for a G5. Call Jerry and ask him how much $ for the DG box modification to accept digital inputs.
  19. I have a remote electric compass magnetometer at the roof of my tail... no problems years with my oem rotating beacon and strobe on the floor of the tail cone.
  20. yea, if it is way hot, then your TAS will be higher due to DA. your ground speed will be faster as a result. I also find that my landings are a little less smooth in the summer and I think of it like flying through water in the winter, vs air in the summer... It's just a little more solid feeling in the winter.
  21. That is true in many cases. I guess my case was the exception. 4 annuals, zero squawks.. it was bone stock with faux wood shotgun panel. I've put a bit of sweat into it making improvements, but there really was no deferred mix when I got it at a low market price. At that time, it didn't make sense to update the panel, but things have/are changing. . Indeed, second owners of avionics installs are the winners, but I'm looking to keep my F until I either die or hit the lottery.
  22. Is that just one bottle of camguard at oil change, or is that more camguard added as more oil is added for top off between oil changes? Just wondering if folks worry about adding more CG as oil is consumed.
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