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Everything posted by Browncbr1

  1. Everyone is wasting time on this thread when they could be enjoying some delicious cake. Sorry to steal your thunder Marauder..
  2. 2017 Little Timmy trophy winner!
  3. It works pretty well actually, but ice doesn't last too increadibly long, as anyone with one of these will attest to. It keeps you cool in 90 degree + heat on the ground until you get to altitude. It will blow cold air for 45-60 minutes or so. Some people run them on the ground and shut them off shortly after take off, then back on during approach.
  4. I have a homebrew ice chest AC unit if anyone wants it. I found that I didn't use it much last summer. If someone is in East TN and wants this, let me know. Does $50 sound ok? I think I spent around $80 to build it.
  5. I would think sacrificial anodes would help
  6. I like that her trade skills get the same media attention (or more) as her academic skills. Really inspirational to many.
  7. I keep my yoke button in the ash tray... See.... Ashtrays do a have a use in modern aviation!!
  8. good point and correct... I also have a different tach restriction because of the Top prop.
  9. Where is Little Timmy to set us all straight?
  10. If I am down low and want to go fast, I find that higher MAP and low RPM (2200-2300) nets higher airspeed with lower fuel burn and lower temps, especially oil temp.
  11. I can't believe someone tried to claim a C210 is cheaper to maintain and operate than a mooney... obviously someone who doesn't have experience in a mooney
  12. dumb as hell. why didn't they just stick to a boarding window time and tell the person who was late to board had closed?... I've gotten that before.. it sucked, but at least I wasn't knocked out and dragged around... that totally sucks.. If I were the person taking that seat, I would have raised hell until that poor guy was back on the plane and I had my bump money in pocket. United blows
  13. This is what REAL innovation looks like. Levil is putting everyone else to shame!
  14. Did anyone see this at SNF? pending certification! awesome that they are focusing on certifying these!!
  15. Sorry I missed you there too. I ended up bringing Aaron back on that Saturday. Maybe next time.
  16. it's good that you are asking questions before spending money... don't get screwed by Kelley or Quality with "overhauled" mags. pickup your parts and ship them to Aaron here... http://selectaircraft.com/ All my stuff goes to him from now on until E-mags are certified..
  17. i have't checked the stratux build log in a long time. they might have added code for a BT dongle. if you haven't already, you might want to check the site to see if that has been developed yet .
  18. I have read that bluetooth consumes less power on ipads/iphones than wifi, which would help on the longer flights...
  19. what a beauty... you're going to have to install a lopresti cowl and a new paint job to go along with that motor! clean!
  20. The accutrak will bring back any heading deviation, but you're still going to deal with DG precession. If you haven't gotten an IR, I recommend doing all your IR training without an AP. If you think you need glass now, just get a dynon D2 ( as long as your primary AI works) It will hold you over until some of the dust settles with garmin and Aspen.
  21. I have brittain atl hold, accutrack and accuflite. They work great, cheap, and reliable. However, trutrack's stc will probably come out before you can find these systems. If I were just now starting to think about getting an AP, I would probably wait. When I just had the wing leveler, it was nearly as good as heading bug and just adjust with a little rudder tap instead of turning the bug.
  22. Check your rudder while the plane is on jacks.. Bungees may be fighting against the trim (bent trailing edges).
  23. I forgot to update this thread. I tightened up a fitting on one side of the FF transducer and the missing symptoms went away. Ff is still a bit unstable, but engine isn't missing and fuel pressure is stable. At annual, I'll put the new mechanical fuel pump in and clean out the transducer.
  24. Is there a way to identify date of manufacture on the cracked plug?
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