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Everything posted by Browncbr1

  1. I found that slightly tightening one of the fittings between the fuel line and FF transducer fixed that. Mine was a little slower back and forth that your video and at high altitude though...
  2. ATL controllers aren't always the friendliest or accommodating, but before I had my IR, I was coming back from auburn and they cleared me direct over ATL at 7500... I didn't even ask for it, but they offered it.
  3. The secret passage is IFR flight plan.
  4. What are your typical power settings in cruise? And are you operating ROP? did you operate any certain way to break in the new cylinders? Just curious.
  5. I have a rca g-502a dg with heading bug (works with Britain AP). coming out of my panel next month if interested. (Recently overhauled with few hours)
  6. There is a 231 tied down at DKX... has been there for years. Was nice at one time, but just rotting away. Let me know if you need local assistance help investigating.
  7. #3 is always hottest and usually 320-330 in cruise.. #2 is just a few dF less and #4 is usually 10dF below #3 (~310).. #1 is always coolest, right at 300.. I'm using collar piggy back probes on tanis heater probes and oem CHT.. The baffle is tight.. #3 & 4 peak together first, then #1 & 2 peak about .5 gph after.. sometimes less, sometimes more depending on power setting and leaning process. I run #1 & 2 at peak and that gives 30-50dF LOP for #3&4. It runs smoothly like this at the power settings noted in my previous post. Tempest finewires with 25BTDC Slicks I have found that OilT seems to have little relation to CHT... In climb, I can see 360dF on #3, 2600-2700rpm WOT and OilT steady at 190-195dF.. OilT seems to come up after establishing cruise. 120mph climb.
  8. Original configuration. And there is a certain airspeed that makes it hot no mater what. So, I reduce rpm by 100 to begin descent. (Without changing MAP)
  9. I have the same combo... A1A with top prop. Down low, I'll cruise at 2300/23-24".. around 8000, I'll cruise at 2400/22-23", and at 10000, I'll do 2500/22" Usually, this keeps OilT right at or below 200 and I just crack cowl flaps as needed. This time of year OilT is starting to maintain about 10F lower than in summer heat. If I cruise at 6-8000 with 2500 or 2550 rpm, I routinely see my OilT climb until I reduce RPM or back off on MAP so much that I'm loosing too much speed,.. Mine seems to realize better efficiency at lower rpms.. .
  10. For my F, RPM has the greatest effect on oil temp. LOP/ROP/MAP doesn't change much. OAT of course has a big effect too. (OEM cowl and oil cooler location) I usually have to crack the cowl flaps in summer cruise.
  11. If arriving Vfr perpendicular to the runway, the turn to downwind will absorb tons of energy and you should be able to drop the gear easily abeam the threshold. if IFR, it takes a little more planning to get slow and stabilized for the approach. I descend power on Vfr, but I reduce rpm and pull inch by inch on IFR descents. If not, it can be easy to be too hot to drop the gear and stabilize well enough ahead of the final fix. ATC can sometimes make it easier or harder. You should also be cognizant of your gross weight, as it is takes more planning to slow and descend heavy vs light.
  12. I have the 830 and purchased it with a $500 rebate a few years ago. At times, I had remorse from not getting the 900 or 930. Other times, I like having redundant gauges. For me, fuel senders and fuel level gauges don't matter much, as I dip and calculate rather than trust gauges. The cost difference was $1k, but I think the install cost would have possibly doubled. You'll probably be happy either way.
  13. ASA book and do sporties free practice test. Asa is clear and concise. I didn't like gleim because of formatting and topics weren't clearly discussed before questions. To me, gleim was just a book full of questions, whereas ASA had lessons, then questions after. I did private, IR, and commercial all this way with good success.
  14. Had a good flight last thursday from east TN to west Michigan, then flew up the shoreline about an hour on Sunday. Awesome views. Today, went from N Michigan to NE Ohio. Severe clear until getting close. Areas of IFR/LIFR... Shot a VOR approach and learned that sometimes fooling around with the gps to get information that isn't really necessary rather than just flying the dang approach can cause more distraction than I care to have when in imc.
  15. My 67 F poh says 2.2 miles per thousand at gross (2740lbs), 100mph, Clean, prop pulled.
  16. Yea, and I saw a beat up old 3 blade that looked like 5000 hours being painted with a rattle can and bolted back on. I was told it had 700 hours, so I asked for the log from when it was on the previous A/C. No dice. What about the mags and alternator? Is there any record that the mags were replaced after the prop strike? A sudden stoppage would surely damage the mags and possibly the alternator. Is there any guidance for replacing mags, especially slicks, after a prop strike ??
  17. I always understood it is the responsibility of the owner/operator to ensure all ADs are complied with. So, could it be potentially argued that the responsibility fall back on chrixxer if it turns out that the AD had not actually been done? If the look book entry doesn't comply with the AD logbook entry requirement, then, legally, it hasn't been done. ??? I hope this is not the case
  18. The ESGi is exactly what I has planning before I started looking at the TT22 due to the integrated encoder and my desire to put an ipad mini on the panel. The thing I don't like about the ESG is that I understand it only integrates with a stratus, hence foreflight. I have a stratux and am happy with subscription free fltplanGo.. If I wasn't getting a GTN, then the ESG would be the way to go.. I like that they started making the ESG without WAAS source at a lower price though.. With redundant G5s with independent batteries, I feel ok about not having another ahars. I also already have a dynon D2, which I'm vacillating on selling after the 2x G5 upgrade. Selling the D2 would go a long way to pay for an adsb transponder!
  19. thanks for the advice Marauder,... I had looked at the remote transponder boxes, but they seemed more expensive, not less expensive for some reason, plus they all need an additional encoder box.. I know they are just around $300 and could probably use my existing one though... I'm not sure if behind panel space would become an issue, so would need to check.. Comparatively, the trig remote box is much smaller and doesn't need the additional encoder box. I also like the idea of having the option of independent operation from the GTN, as you pointed out.
  20. Sounds like a great CB option! Thanks!
  21. Thanks for confirming that. Perhaps I'll go the Bradp route and find a used 330ES,,, but I'll have to decide if fitting my iPad mini on the right side is more important than controlling the transponder with the gtn or not. I doubt both would fit.
  22. Hi Jose, thanks for your input. I had consider this and it seems there will be ample space where the current encoder box is located. Access is pretty simple. I know the GTn can provide position source, but I'm just unclear if the GTN650 can actually control the TT22. For $2k, I don't know of a better option to become adsb compliant, while getting a new transponder and freeing up enough panel space to fit an iPad mini on the right side. Craig
  23. My plane is about to go in for a gtn650 and dual G5 install. I decided to hold off another year or two on adsb out, but I had been thinking about the Trig TT22 as the upgrade path I like how it is so small and light and has an integrated altitude encoder. I understand I'll be able to use the gtn's waas source for the adsb and the I THINK the gtn will be able to control it remotely as well. At $2k, this seems like the best path for me as it is today. Does anyone have any other suggestions of other value transponders I should look at? Pitfalls with this unit? I prefer to do a transponder unit in order to pull out the old narco. Thanks for any input guys! craig
  24. Right, but I'm just sharing what was claimed about an 87 J that came from the same place.
  25. We'll never know
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