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Everything posted by RLCarter

  1. more likely these
  2. I'll probably get dinged for this, but if your views don't agree with others your gone? I've asked this before but I have never seen any written "Rules", do they exist?
  3. lol, I hate paying shipping, so I order stuff that I've had to barrow and use it as fillers to get me to free freight. I still have all the part#'s from Spruce if you really want them,
  4. Not an A&P, but I like sheet metal work, my IA gives me little side jobs he doesn’t want to fool withd
  5. His account page shows he was on April 2nd
  6. Might not be made of Magic, but i think you can still get the STC for the pixie dust
  7. How far are you going to trailer it? I know of at least one that was trailered complete (was at an angle) and done in the middle of the night when traffic was light
  8. I assume they are machine screws an not sheet metal screws, some are nut plates and some are rivnuts, either way they have to be replaced to correct the problem, both also require the proper tools to replace them.
  9. Someone give him a squirt of WD-40
  10. 172’s are just slow enough to piss you off, other than that, fun plane to fly
  11. I seem to get my bearings a lot quicker coming out of IMC or from under the hood, takes me 10~15 minutes to settle in going into IMC, no A/P or wing leveler just hand flying
  12. ComancheSpace is just wrong!!! I’m on another forum for the 172 and it’s junk compared to here
  13. @Fred₂O you can change the settings in X-Plane to keep a solid layer to what ever altitude you want. I also think you can have go on the net and get the actual conditions
  14. You might even consider getting checked out in a Cessna 172 or a Piper Cherokee/Warrior, little bigger birds and HP, then move to the Mooney
  15. Yep, you can always pull the foggles off if needed. I’ve also heard if you get nervous during actual IMC to put the foggles on to keep you from looking up and seeing the soup
  16. Mooney if it fits her needs.....plus she gets a wealth of info if needed on MooneySpace
  17. Take the Nav light wire off from the nav switch and wire it so they come on with the master, run a wire thru each wing for the strobes and to the original nav switch, ADS-B is now on any time the master is and the strobes can be controlled as needed
  18. In the soup for the duration
  19. Can't remember how many I had set when I realized they had to come out to set the ones under the demensional piece.
  20. My E had a piece of hardware chain the keep the door from opening too far, was worthless for keeping the door open with wind. I used a buddies for reference and made one, fairly easy to do. Like always I probably spent too much time on it by turning a steel rivet out on the lathe, and yes I did clean his up and repaint it for letting me use it
  21. I keep a dual charger plugged into the cig-port and the cord in a side pocket, I don't ever charge the iPad until it gets below 20% or so... Even on my 4+ year old mini I can get about 6 hrs of use before charging, but I keep power consumption pretty low
  22. I run WingX on both the iPad mini and iPhone (back up for the mini), using the phones GPS drains the battery should you need it
  23. 3 rivets? IIRC there are 3 that have to go on because once assembled you can’t get to them. Well done!!!!
  24. So you knew there was a Fee from a previous visit?
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