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Everything posted by peevee

  1. In the upper right hand corner of the bottom half that is black in his pic. Here's mine, 760fpm down. Left side shows ias and tas and gs Think of the Aspen like a 6 pack. Everything is in the same place.
  2. Yes
  3. I'm gonna hit 300kts ground this year.
  4. can't tell you. I can tell you with 100% certainty, it's not the garmin G5. I'd venture a guess that your answer can be found in the lower left of this pic.
  5. Yeah, I'd worry about wracking a chunk of ice with my doors.
  6. 231likely has a autopilot, so the Garmin g5 won't allow him to eliminate the gyro.
  7. weak sauce. try it on an all wood wing
  8. I'd rather have a heated corporate spot.
  9. I suppose that means the cost to reseal will go up as well.
  10. ONLY 15k
  11. Glad I wasn't his cfii then.
  12. Thanks!
  13. Below as in from the avionics Bay side?
  14. I'm betting this is it. I'm finding it hard to beleive a Turbine pilot would get sdo and go down because he's over a lake at night.
  15. No clue. Gpss definitely works though. Funny story, we have a ifd540 and coming home ifr they gave us a fix to miss military space. The guy flying added it to the flight plan, which redrew the line and the plane took about a 90 degree turn to join the new flight plan instead of proceeding direct that fix. Surprise! Purely a guess but I think the adapter is just for attitude info and the GPSS is all handled internally and the Aspen just tells the ap to correct left or right just as a cdi would. Haven't had the setup long enough to dig into it all yet.
  16. Gpss works great. I think the Aspen calculates and provides the heading. No different than if it was a nav radio
  17. I don't think we have a ea100, we still have the king ai and I beleive that provides attitude info to the king ap, can the Aspen provide cdi info without the ea100?
  18. left the engine anti ice off maybe? similar to palm 90 in NY?
  19. I'm no expert but your king 150 can be run from the Aspen with the adapter, or from the original attitude indicator if you kept that as a backup. If it has the digital to analog adapter, would that maybe explain it?
  20. well, there is that probably more fun in TX than in CO this time of year though. A little brisk out there.
  21. it's just getting frustrating having to find solutions here and feed them to the a&p. Seems all they want to do is throw parts at the problem until it works. Like my broken o2 on/off cable he ripped apart before I could find easier ways to solve
  22. Maybe I didn't follow. I thought you had a parts list for the electro-tug.
  23. I happen to have two 240v circuits in the garage to charge the cars. If I send you my email could you send me the plans? I have needed to learn for awhile. It's one of those skills that when you need it, there's no substitute I'm afraid.
  24. My initial thought was there HAS to be a switched +12v unused in the avionics bay somewhere I can tap and feed a fused line to a usb installed in the hat shelf. Maybe I'll steal your idea.
  25. Araid my elf isn't as talented as your elf, but I like that solution.
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