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Everything posted by peevee

  1. our onboard O2 is leaking with the valve off. I don't even know where to begin with this one. Are there any common points to check? Bad shutoff valve maybe? It's a little sticky to shut off, when you slide the lever to open you can hear it pop as it pressurizes, when you close it you have to close it and then push on it again to get it to shut off (you can hear it hiss for a second when you do) but it seems like the valve is getting pushed all the way off.
  2. http://www.hangartoolbox.com/Pages/19.aspx
  3. Bummer, it's about 10amu cool to me.
  4. Working on a clone of Don's tug. So far, so good
  5. I want that Mt prop for our rocket. What's the amu damage?
  6. Got any more details on the prop? Is it the same one they sell for the m20m? -35lbs on the nose would help out w&b a lot. In previous threads people have stated using the red bottle heet additive. It's isopropanol. I keep some around but haven't had occasion. How much isopropyl are you adding?
  7. Ours isn't functional. I'd like to check the various linkages, tubing etc.
  8. I've always wanted to do that, not in a mooney though. I'd hate to hit a pressure ridge.
  9. The brakes I'd worry about popping the bottom bolts or coming loose and tearing a wing skin. Lots of torque applied to that upper skin. I guess if they depart the airframe its probably more annoying than anything. They say asymmetrical deployment is a non event. Never happened to me but ours are pretty flaky right now so it'll happen eventually
  10. Anyone else a little frightened their fuel supply is only held captive by 60in lbs and no safety wire? The more little things I do on these, the less I want to fly them. Especially when I saw how the speed brakes attached.
  11. Ouch, thanks. On the bright side the nut plate is probably riveted since it's an add on. I hope. Maybe that's worse. Another leak point.
  12. 80-85in lbs per the safe air specs. Found it.
  13. What's the torque spec? Do you know offhand?
  14. The monroy tanks do. I don't know about any other model than the K.
  15. I'm surprised they aren't safety wired. I'll supply the part and let the A&P handle it, too critical and easy to mess up as you say.
  16. Sorry. Can't do it anymore. It opens me up to too many repercussions and its not worth it.
  17. are the outboard drain valves the same as the inboard? (F391-53S}
  18. and some wonder why my reluctance to comment on the subject. don't you have a plane in pieces somewhere to go visit?
  19. glad you have the full picture. it must be nice to be omnipotent.
  20. curious who you got the quotes through? AOPA quotes USAIG but I hadn't heard of the other one
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