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Everything posted by peevee

  1. I'll double check next time I'm in the back, maybe ours didn't either. I thought it just came as standard.
  2. no personal experience, but they sound good to go to me. https://mooneyspace.com/topic/17656-tank-reseal-looking-for-pirep-for-houston-tank-specialists-llc/#comment-255856
  3. Along with what another poster said, ice is a bit scary too. I just don't understand why someone thought it was a good idea to remove the step.
  4. do you have a non-retractable step for a k model?
  5. wonder how it would look if you just painted the whole step in wing walk compound
  6. I think k the plan was to use the axp for adsb out and use the Aspen adsb in that never materialized. We're considering pulling the axp340 to put in a different transponder. Any thoughts?
  7. I try to remember to do that too, but my wife is really short so she needs a step
  8. the one thing I don't care for is when they put bands on the wings. When you wipe bugs off eventually it get to the edge of the upper layer and starts to slowly chip in my experience.
  9. some people just like slow airplanes
  10. I guess the pise only comes out the belly, and avoids the flaps.
  11. I'll dig around back there, I never thought to look in from the access door, I guess it is right there, isn't it. It's really an annoyance not having it. Much more than I expected.
  12. it's probably 2 knots at best. I didn't think any of the K had retractable steps
  13. Maybe I asked this already, but on all the rockets I've seen the step has been removed. This drives me crazy as it increases the chances of someone stepping on the flap. Has anyone reinstalled a step that has been removed? Is it as easy as bolting up a new step and cutting a hole for it? We have an aftermarket (I think..) one piece belly. I thought about carrying a stool, but if I put it in baggage I have to get out, shimmy around the passenger on the wing, and put it in place. Seems just as risky. Maybe someone has thought of a better solution that I haven't thought of.
  14. we took the K to MN to see a plane we almost bought, we made about 205-215 ground the whole way, the way back I think we made about 150 and sucked so much fuel I had to stop in SNY for fuel. After hours. In the dark. During the world series. With no self serve. Disaster. (howdy neighbor, we hangar the rocket temporarily at eik also)
  15. I'm a sucker for the traditional blue and gold, I think it's super sharp and our old plane had it. New has a red/white/gold more modern, and I don't care for it as much but who cares, it's your airplane!
  16. if it were me I'd have found the headwind both directions
  17. just going to bump an old thread because I was also looking for this information and CH 48109-1 is what is used in ours so you are correct. Someone in the future might be searching for the same info.
  18. pm sent, thanks so much!
  19. in the vicinity of .055 I purchased both in case the heavier wouldn't go but it did, and is less likely to bend. It moves like butter now. I expected to fight it going in but it was no issue at all, just slid through. I had wire lube but didn't need it. link to the parts list: https://www.mcmaster.com/#catalog/122/3820/=15i9puw part link: https://www.mcmaster.com/#9495K93 the part cost is less than shipping, buy both in case .063 doesn't fit. As I said you couldn't tell it wasn't the standard size on ours.
  20. an easier solution was to find .063 wire at mcmaster carr and feed new wire through from the front. easy peasy. Cost $5 plus shipping and labor.
  21. for future searchers our new plane had cable issues too. .063 wire fit great in ours. We just removed the side panel, clipped the wire off, pulled it through to the baggage compartment and fed new wire through from the front seat. Taping the wires together made them too hard to pass. I did round off the tip of the wire to reduce the chances of a snag. Once all the parts were moved out of the way it took about 5 minutes to feed the wire through.
  22. to close it up, we found the leak. it wasn't the oring leaking, but it was the same line, the one that goes from the bottle to a tee fitting and then one leg goes to the fill port and another to the gauge. Somehow that compression fitting didn't get tight enough. We had the oring replaced anyway, it hadn't been in years and was very stiff. Hopefully that'll resolve our issue. We also had a new old stock gauge installed, ours was missing the "glass"
  23. I wouldn't mind having mine placarded fr the long range tanks either. If I can figure out exactly what they hold, haha
  24. Here's what I got. At an angle it's a little more visible. In the day light it's totally washed out. Ill give that guy a call, thanks
  25. There's nothing left to copy I'm afraid. It's basically gone. No paint
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