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Everything posted by peevee

  1. Oh great, another part that should cost ten bucks that can fail and kill me. I'll add it to the list.
  2. Anyone happen to have a source for replacement parts for the o2 gauge glass or maybe even a used gauge for a 231?
  3. good news boss! I figured out where this bucket of bolts belongs! Er, belonged? Nah, I doubt it.
  4. Soon as the big fan quits running the insurance company owns it as far as I'm concerned.
  5. Bottom spoilers down. Make it easier to slow down perhaps. I've never shut down a single in flight so I have no idea how draggy the prop is.
  6. Picked it up from Longview, don must have done an annual
  7. you haven't seen anything, wander over to pilotsofamerica.com what a disaster.
  8. it's ok, I'm married so I'm used to being ignored.
  9. Maybe where you live but across CO, parts of WY, and UT today you have to go to FL210 to get above the forecast icing and even then there's a pirep for trace ice at 210 right now. Moderate across the sierra nevadas, no surprise there. It's an unusual day and even with known icing not a day for piston poppers, but it's not uncommon to see ice high. Anyway I'd happily pay twice the asking price for TKS if it was an option to me is what I'm saying.
  10. I think Aspen sells a 2amu aoa upgrade, anyone have it? It's derived from the ahars somehow, doesn't seem worth it.
  11. Sooooo, I'm always open to adoption?
  12. Thanks! I've never had much luck with using the gpu port, as long as there's nothing to worry about ill proceed. It's fused but I need to extend it about a foot, I'll do that beyond the fuse.
  13. Because we have a rocket and both batteries are in the tail cone. 6 or so feet aft of the equipment bay door. I don't want a run that long or to climb back there to do it.
  14. Again, directly to the battery is not an option.
  15. What was the shear in the winds aloft? The last day I remember it was significant. There have also been pireps like crazy, what do I know. I just put them in. Also you seem to think 20kts isn't a problem. 20 from the wrong direction at 12-14k is enough to make me reconsider.
  16. There have been several days like that the last few weeks, as there always is in the winter. The warning signs have been there.
  17. I would recommend the Colorado pilots association mountain flying course as it sounds like you haven't taken it. Flying around at mountain peak height is a great way to get kicked around or worse if your near rotor clouds.
  18. I didn't care to run that much current through mine and also use an external relay, it works well. I have the Chinese made one similar to the switch box (by similar I mean exactly the same)
  19. Yes, battery minder. The question is where to connect the harness. Directly to the battery isn't an option. There are a few places near the original battery box that are +12 continuously, so I'm asking if there is a reason I'm not aware of that makes it a bad idea to connect there.
  20. Our battery has been moved to the back, so the battery box is empty and I can't just connect directly to the terminals. Is there any reason I can't just use something like the battery side of the gpu power socket relay or one of the other +12 connections there at the box and ground the charger to the airframe? I can't imagine there would be an issue, but you never know.
  21. That's longs peak.
  22. Then keep your gyros and the associated issues.
  23. Beats me. My box is never black.
  24. Then keep a spare? Altitude tape gives a similar indication.
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