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Everything posted by peevee

  1. this was my experience when I thought I needed to replace ours, that's why I soaked it.
  2. I do not know, the ships gauge uses kind of an odd transducer in my experience. Our 231 had an EI analyzer and it used a separate transducer. It might be more common to use one than two, I wouldn't know. I would definitely clean yours then, they do get gummed up after awhile. It's a low cost affair anyway.
  3. so, to clarify you saw 15-18gph on the ships gauge and the JPI read a normal 21? I think your reasoning is sound that it's probably not a fuel delivery issue, but I would disagree that it's not a transducer issue since the two are different transducers (JPI and factory). Were it my plane I'd remove the factory transducer (orange/red plastic cap) and soak it in carb cleaner a few hours and see if that didn't resolve matters. My thinking is it can only be 3 things, the transducer, the wiring, the FF gauge. God help you if it's the gauge, I think they're hard to come by. Had a flaky FF indication on our old 231 and cleaning the transducer cleared it up.
  4. I was just at apa, I would have said hi had I known.
  5. you might be comfortable doing it hot, but I don't have access to a breaker so anything I want to do is out without approval and coordination from airport ops to kill the juice.
  6. aren't they supposed to ship this month some year between 2013 and 2040?
  7. woah, that's cool. Please keep us updated.
  8. It couldn't have changed during the flight.
  9. I was taught from the start to cycle the key off to test the p leads before pulling the mixture, which is a required check per ad on some mooneys every so often. So I would seem that there is some validity to it in the FAAs eyes, wouldn't it. Not to mention it's entirely possible to break a plead performing maintenance that could go unidentified before the prop could be bumped over towing the plane or trying to put a cowl on.
  10. As mentioned, I was taught that it's really a safeguard for a broken p-lead. If you have fuel in the cylinder and the impulse coupler is wound up just so, a very small bump of the prop cold fire the spark plugs and kick the engine over, like when you level the prop.
  11. Und lost a Seminole and both occupants to a goose at night....
  12. Hope your place is out of the path
  13. Cec is a great little airport and a great area.
  14. I hadn't actually thought about it, how do you get the cowl off with a 4 blade? We can barely manage with the three!
  15. Correct. And a longer 3 blade than the stock k 2 blade, lol
  16. I don't know how you feed the thing, when I was planning a trip to calgary gas was like $1.80 a liter.
  17. boy that would irritate me. It's pretty rare to see that on metal props.
  18. 3 blade is for wimps, go 4 blade like @aviatoreb I'd be concerned about that paint erosion if I were him, but I have heard only good things about the MT props. There's a K on field with one, sure looks nice.
  19. When I was in GFK the university had an arrow take a bird right into the heater inlet below the prop and lodge up against the muffler or shroud or something hot. They almost ditched it in a field thinking they had an engine fire.
  20. you just have to taunt me with the G-D prop, don't you? With fresh paint, that interior, tks, and that prop it might be the nicest rocket in existence.
  21. makes for a nice cozy ride I bet though
  22. compression good, no compression bad. That's all I know I wouldn't sweat in the 70s at all.
  23. This looks bad
  24. I have thought the same, more for sanity and financial reasons.
  25. I was gonna say, if you don't like the coke with HFCS they sell the mexican coke with cane sugar closer to home for a lot less.
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