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Everything posted by peevee

  1. it's also a lot cheaper. like, a LOT. there's a sweet spot where it's faster to go by airline, I think about 1000nm
  2. you really would be better off with a MFD 1000, the 500 won't run reversionary with the PFD. A 500 is better as a third than as a second screen IMO (BTDT)
  3. I can jump seat and rarely do. It's fun once in awhile and if you get a fun crew it's worthwhile and we have good discussion, but it's certainly more hassle put in than I get out.
  4. That ain't nothing. Try it with a wood wing.
  5. He had to have dropped the flaps waaaaay outside the arc
  6. When I was in college FedEx was still running 727s into our home airport. Controller cleared a girl to touch and go ahead of the 27 and she must have taken a little too long, they sent the 27 around. The captain keyed up and in a southern accent just said "ma'am, do you have any idea how much it costs to go around in a seven twenty seven?"
  7. This happens like, literally daily all over the place. If we made a post for each one there would be no room for any other topics. https://www.faasafety.gov/spans/notices_public.aspx
  8. I'm more concerned about the hacksaw you have on the wall. Hope you don't get too frustrated.
  10. bah, just a little more power and she'll get there.
  11. any day you don't hear about me on the news is a good day
  12. man, I need these, my plane is all drucked up with them.
  13. hey, druck off man. Ok, this is getting drucking ridiculous now.
  14. there's that place down south, tx maybe? that does cold war jet types or transition training. I remember an hour in a mig 15(?) being somewhat reasonable. http://www.jetwarbird.com/Mig.html I think these are the guys I was looking at some time ago $1400 an hour for the l-29, not bad http://www.easternblocaircraft.com/jet.html
  15. Better have your drucks in a row.
  16. besides, the plane probably stops a lot faster with the gear up
  17. Yes. THE University of North Dakota My work schedule is inflexible, but I have two week days off every week and the afternoon before and morning after those two days and a commercial, multi, instrument, cfi and cfii. It doesn't even have to be meaningful, I'd do just about any flying for a buck within those constraints and other than instructing have found none.
  18. sad to see a rocket get scrapped. I think they're special airplanes.
  19. I don't need 1500, I can get the R-ATP at 1k.
  20. I'll happily do any kind of flying for hire on my weekend.
  21. Where is this work you speak of?
  22. It's been a few years since I sold my last forum, but vbulletin did that all automatically in the user groups settings
  23. having gpss and letting the AP fly the hold and entry is huge.
  24. Not gonna hurt anything to run it a little easier and it's his gas anyway so...
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