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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Same for the J, although I hope never to need the extra.
  2. Not really cheap, it needs a paint job and all new avionics, minimum $75k.
  3. Not entirely correct. The J also got an improved intake (and maybe exhaust?) that made the ram air extraneous and was removed in later years. The engine cowling needed beefing up in later years as well, most early models were retrofitted. The 77 model year was a transition year, in 78 they went to push/pull controls, improved gear speeds, and few other changes.
  4. Anyone who rents their plane needs to have it owned by a LLC.
  5. I assume you mean 150knots, cause 150 mph is ridiculously slow. The elevators normally droop at little in cruise flight. I can do 150knots on 8.5gph above 8000’. Speed depends on power, so engine may not be making full book horsepower. Horsepower depends on OAT and humidity. I gain about 7 knots when I get out of the southeast higher humidity and higher temperatures.
  6. Say what you want but I’m impressed by their ability to get STCs relatively easily. Ditto for Rocket engineering.
  7. All someone has to do is wait for the interested party to land and then look at ADSB exchange site. Anytime Buffet, Musk, etc go somewhere it’s publicly known. It’s not that hard to do. I understand the security concerns for the super wealthy…their best option is Netjets, but then you don’t have your own plane, which are probably customized with beds, etc that Netjets don’t have.
  8. Here’s a 78, asking price of $220k: https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/214247893/1978-mooney-m20j-201-piston-single-aircraft Personally I don’t like the red panel.
  9. Yes, it may be because it was calibrated as it sits on the ground (tail low), I just live with it.
  10. I’d remove original OAT probe on the right side and stick it there, I think the roll servo goes on the right side, so you’d have that open anyway.
  11. I don’t think that works with adsb exchange site, they key off transponder code, not tail number or callsign, and that you can either get curiosity of FAA or just find out when your target lands at an airport (use liveatc to get time of arrival) and check adsb data for what code you’re using. You would need to be able to dynamically change transponder code for every flight.
  12. Nice job. If you remove the tie down rings, you’ll get another knot. My AP used PRC to prevent water ingress.
  13. That’s why I like newer 900 which has separate LED to get your attention. Does the 711 even blink?
  14. The 77 glare shield is different than the 78 and it’s different than 79 when I think they added the hump.
  15. Both of mine broke exactly the same way, I now lowered my personal gear speed.
  16. Not wanting to fly a plane from home airport is a red flag. Unless seller authorizes it, a pre buy should not be an inspection, and will not require a log entry. Sellers worry the buyers mechanic will find a “non airworthy “ problem and ground the airplane holding it hostage until the seller pays up. As a seller I would protect myself by having the mechanic sign a document stating the prebuy is an evaluation, not an inspection, the buyer is responsible for paying and it will be returned to service. I also would provide only an electronic copy of the logs. Prebuy should be limited to big ticket items, not checking if a light bulb is burned out. The buyer should have already done a flight test; testing avionics, gear, flaps, etc. I also would require the tanks be full to check for leaks. Priority is corrosion problems. The buyer should specify exactly what they want inspected, not give mechanic a free reign to bill hours. And as seller I would want to see what the buyer wants beforehand. For example if the buyer wants to pull a cylinder, I wouldn’t allow that.
  17. 50° LOP ? I see no reason to go past 10° (richest cylinder), at that point you burning all the fuel so you have maximize the efficiency of combustion , anything more is just like pulling back on power.
  18. Climb at ROP of course, otherwise LOP…Our engines are big enough polluters without dumping leaded fuel out the tailpipe. It costs me about 15 minutes more on a 500nm trip to run LOP. Not a big issue as I like to fly.
  19. Which brings up the biggest myth of all. All Mooneys are whatever. Short bodies were more nose heavy. Some even had battery up front. Mid bodies (F/J) extended fuselage resulting in being less nose heavy. K extended nose with 6 cylinder heavier engine. Long bodies extended the fuselage again but added a heavier engine. The nose heavy models will be more benign during stalls.
  20. I get 7 knots or more difference in my TAS because of weather conditions. Comparing to book numbers or others is a futile exercise.
  21. Or the GPS, the right stack should be for infrequently user interaction avionics: transponder, audio panel, and engine monitor if you have warning light on the left side.
  22. Voltage regulator would be my 1st guess.
  23. I would try a liberal amount of contact cleaner to remove oil residue.
  24. I use dry silicone spray.
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