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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Personally I would have just done an L to get around all of it. That’s what I’ve done in the past, even flying around large storm systems. I once flew from Minnesota to Florida by way of eastern Oklahoma.
  2. Cross country trips yes, because there’s weather, logistics, etc to consider.
  3. I would consider finding the owner on MS as a big plus because it shows they’re passionate about their plane, so it’s likely to be well cared for.
  4. Removing old interior which can be fragile after 50 years is a PITA. If you’re going to do this, might as well refurbished the interior panels. Then repaint.
  5. They do if the AP didn’t weigh it correctly. And most don’t. currently 999lbs, will gain about 15+lbs with next avionics upgrade.
  6. Because there’s always some bozo that throws overspray onto other planes, and then there’s the pollution factor (where is all that old paint going? ). Ill bet most amateurs just dump it.
  7. FIFY Don’t bring out the electric sander and make sure stripper only goes where you need it.
  8. Take it apart and lube it, I use EZ turn because it’s fuel resistant.
  9. All my clogged injectors except above were after engine maintenance, buyer beware. Most happen on startup.
  10. Supply shortages have made a mess of avionics availability…I would not do anything until it gets resolved.
  11. I had same thing happened on decent, I had reduced power for a decent . My EGT got so low the probe was marked bad and the JPI stopped recording it.
  12. It’s been painted so elevators and other controls are removed to be painted and rebalanced. If painted recently I would take it back to the shop to have it adjusted.
  13. True, for those of us with 1 exhaust, you’ll want to install it on the opposite side. Mine runs ~3° hot.
  14. I thought onepak was for 1 navigator plus mobile units. PilotPak for more than 1?
  15. PilotPak, probably Americas.
  16. It’s a piece of painters tape that held the protective clear plastic it’s ship with.
  17. I hate the accidents like this…probable cause was lost of control. Makes no sense.
  18. What a terrible website…all the junk (ADs, popup videos, etc)…..yuk.
  19. I use my conservative decision making to try to make up for my lack of stick and rudder skills. Old adage is it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at doing something….I’m about 9000 hours short.
  20. I tried signing out and login back in but that fails…anyone else having issues? yes, I’m at latest version and tried closing app.
  21. You could say no thanks, or maybe go with liability only.
  22. I just got a Xi which had touch screen problems…I think they have quality control problems across the entire line.
  23. I don’t why it would be less effective, maybe uncomfortable especially during winter months. [emoji50]
  24. I went through the same (our Js were probably built within a few weeks of each other), same results. I’m faster when up north in cooler/dryer air, slower in Florida. I remember seeing your plane on Fort Pierce ramp, a lot of paint chipping on the leading edges as I recall…crucial for low drag to keep the leading edges smooth for low drag.
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