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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Since you did an annual, I assume the oil was changed and hasn’t been sitting with dirty oil.
  2. Jose would love his use of WD40.
  3. Does anyone still use the panel lights dimmer? All modern avionics have light sensors these days.
  4. Me too, I don’t have a step, so in/out has extra difficulty.
  5. Yes, there’s no sales tax in Florida on aircraft maintenance. This seems to happen often, shops give estimates that are really ballpark and bill comes in higher.
  6. Is it possible the flap mechanism is installed incorrectly, IIRC it’s possible to install it backwards.
  7. They also save money, instead of telling the mechanic my engine sounds funny, you can tell him I have problem with a particular cylinder and even possibly if it’s an ignition or injector problem.
  8. A poor ground connection may cause bad sensor readings, I would check the engine ground strap. And anything else the tech may have touched.
  9. You can remove sunglasses, are you going to remove tint?
  10. Doesn’t matter the source, when you have penny sized metal, it’s time for an overhaul.
  11. Are the engines that unique…I would have expected them to retrofit a automobile engine (944?).
  12. Fantastic…and I wish Jose good health.
  13. What’s the standard?
  14. To check if it’s a main wheel out of balance, next time tap the brakes as soon as you feel the vibration, if it stops immediately you’ll know its a main wheel.
  15. It may have to do with the fact the J is better balanced, the K is more nose heavy with a heavier engine and extended nose.
  16. Don’t forget when you travel, the rental costs you a minimum of 3-4 hours per day sitting on the ramp. So if you plan on actually traveling and not doing $200 hamburger runs, you want to buy.
  17. Depends on how bad it looks, I’ve seen some that I would declare not airworthy just on looks alone.
  18. Not for me, I do about 700’/min vs 1000’/min.
  19. Another servo failure, check your serial number and look up an SB from Garmin. If you turn on logging (G3X), maybe you see more details of the errors.
  20. I think so, anything that affects your (night) vision can’t be legal.
  21. I went with extra dark tint (gray) on the rear windows:
  22. http://www.aerotriminteriors.com
  23. I had mine done in Florida, they cover most everything in ultra leather, the side panels are painted with all trim pieces covered. They removed the ashtrays and repaired as necessary. I had headrests redesigned, but otherwise kept it simple (no fancy embroidery).
  24. Climb and accelerate to 85kts, raise flaps, then 100kts.
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