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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Are you sure it won't affect the compass?
  2. No problem with my mini, with IOS ver 8.1.3
  3. I would think the gauge is broken, don't know if they can be repaired or replaced.
  4. IIRC, direct to a fix, once you cross the fix, the GPS will start sequencing, if ATC said till established and has you on a vector to intercept the inbound course , then activating the leg you will be intercepting will cause it to do exactly just that. I never use VTF, the GPS is smart enough to ignore the extraneous waypts
  5. And correct me if I'm wrong, but you have 2 options 1. Direct which is self explanatory 2. Activate leg, which if you wanted to intercept the inbound course.
  6. And you don't need to activate the approach, once you hit PECIT, the approach will become active. At least on Garmin boxes.
  7. Well, the statement about it needs to work because it's original equipment is wrong, and it's not required equipment for flight (tomato flames, etc), so I would push back on that. Almost every mooney has at least 1 original equipment inop, usually an old EGT gauge. I'm assuming it's not on the Minimum Equipment List, the plane is Not FIKI rated, and is not used in commercial operations.
  8. I thought some models have squat sensor and some airspeed switch?
  9. Once you know what your peak EGTs are, then lean only enough to get to -150 less, that should be close to maximum power but rich enough to avoid detonation. Your EGTs somewhat depend on the installation of the probes, so some might peak at 1500, others 1450, so find your number...I use that on climbs as well and lean as I climb.
  10. I'm not sure I buy that, batteries aren't that complex or precision required in manufacturing. They would be affected by quality of materials. I wonder how many check their batteries water levels on a regular intervals? The maintenance free batteries may be better because they need less attention? They also have better cranking amps due to their construction
  11. LCD displays may have a problem, l stands for liquid and at very cold temps they won't work. Anything that uses liquids, including batteries, turn coordinator, etc. I have to look up the freezing temperature of each liquid, but all would be below zero.
  12. Why the objection, they are normally just predefined vectors and climb requirements are modest?
  13. My shop said my old discs while still just within spec was causing the gear doors not to fully close, they were 20 years old.
  14. I get an error when on the ground, I'm using GDL88, I think it may because I don't have the 2nd antenna, anybody else get this?
  15. If you are just stopping in Bahamas for fuel, is the process abbreviated?
  16. How long they last I think is inversely proportional to how heavy you plane is
  17. That's the thing about batteries, when they go, it can be a quick death. My gill (unknown age) was fine on first cold start, same day, on a hot start after 1 hr flight it died.
  18. I thought somebody was parting out a J, check for sale forum...
  19. I just look up the fees: Application fee $65 Regulatory fee $100 For an aircraft radio service 605, 159 forms
  20. For #1 If you can get access to back of the cowl switch, bypass it, if problem goes away you need a new switch. #2 bothers me, first wires should insulated, so if loose then it may have been disconnected, the avionics use a lighting bus, I'm guessing that was the loose wire.
  21. Have been there in the summer? The winds pick up in the afternoon, temperatures are moderated by the water, usually top around 90, you would need air conditioning at night. If you think 90 is hot, then yes you might not like it.
  22. But remember your alternator is not running 24/7, which is why people use a timer, turn it on for 20 minutes a day is all you would need anyway.
  23. Par: I can't be sure, but is your bottom shock disc cracked?
  24. I would have expected lower than normal readings as it worked loose, OP should check previous flights looking for anomalies
  25. Special procedure, usually something like higher than normal charging voltage for an hour every 28 days, called equalization. Different battery types also require different charging voltages, also aircraft batteries have thinner plates, be careful of charging currents. Then there is 2 stage and 3 stage chargers...its complicated. BTW, you won't notice anything right away, it's a slow death.
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