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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Why would that effect only 1 cylinder? Other EGTs are fine as well as the CHTs. I would expect the voltage readout to be could be affected as well.
  2. 10k is the highest I've seen for a Mooney, as I mention my carpeting was backed by cardboard, probably saved money (my old interior was done by ModWorks) for somebody, depends on how professional, what options, what materials...the devil is in the details...to each his own. My avionics were the same, clearly done by an amateur, paid or DIY: some unconnected pieces, not labeled switches, loose wires, cut wires. Ugh!
  3. That's a good price: I used leather on seats, the headliner, and various trim pieces, armrest. I went with a modern look, no welt seems, more bucket like I had ashtrays removed, various holes broken parts fixed, unfortunately I had redo various parts because the old parts were a cardboard material. It cost me $7200, I'm not in the CB club.
  4. My calculated weight is about 40lbs heavier than it was when it was new...seems reasonable to me
  5. Well, yes, when you try to land on the White House lawn, I'll be happy to retract that answer [emoji1]
  6. Keep the trophy, I be thrilled to be alive and healthy and still flying
  7. I think the gyro copter incident may have just kill it. Heck,they might require complete psych evaluations
  8. I think they are much brighter and whiter, not so yellow, since I have 4, the price difference adds up, the original Parmetheus were $100 less.
  9. My avionics guys do this for free...Sarasota avionics.
  10. Remove ashtrays Don't bother with prewiring, other wiring will have to be run to GPS, not saving anything I added fire extinguisher Center armrest I had removed, just got in my way
  11. Winds gusting 10 knots or more.
  12. Didn't he have an instructor on board? I think gross is going be close enough., I did add the ? Because I don't have his POH, and pulled that off the internet.
  13. You stall speed is what, 58mph? If the wind is a little gusty and your at 65 (assuming that's accurate), that doesn't give you much margin of error. Personally I'd like to be 1.2Vso over the numbers, that's 70mph in you plane, better to float a little than drop it in, IMHO
  14. Because they're fast, 180k cruise, but comes at a cost: 19gph Almost 1500lbs of useful load, but carrying full tanks you are down to about 700. Mooneys are far more efficient, choose what's important to you.
  15. By certified I mean one that is certified to replace original gauges, the JPI 730,830 are not for example. As for savings, i refer to fuel savings by LOP and maintenance savings by knowing what your problem is (which cylinder, etc) instead of either not knowing or taking it to mechanic with "it sounds funny"
  16. For a normally aspirated engine, that means you want to be up around 12000-16000 ft and WOT, so you indicated airspeed is low, but your true airspeed is high.
  17. You should add an engine monitor, non certified is fine, it will save you $ in the long run.
  18. You have to sit in one first, then you can make an informed decision on which model or if it even is the right plane. Also, you should take your wife up to see if she likes flying and with you to see if she likes the mooney. So you don't have any surprises when you come home saying "Look what I bought!"
  19. That hangar is huge, I barely fit in mine, maybe a little more a foot clearance for the wings
  20. Mine just has flight test results, FAA docs I got from FAA only go back to 1994. Only 1 individual own it since 94, rest were businesses.
  21. Which logs? The aircraft,engine,prop logs don't have names? I guess if I go thru all paperwork,receipts I might find some some names, but not the logs.
  22. Not as much eye candy, but functional : Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. In 2020 you'll have a hard time selling a cross country class plane without ADSB, so if you plan on keeping it for 5 years, I think you'll like having the WX and traffic. I've used the traffic twice last trip to avoid near misses, here in Florids it's a target rich environment
  24. I thought there was a way to opt out of flightaware, etc from tracking your tail number?
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