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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/ntsb-fedex-plane-disabled-landing-gear-suffered-leak-104185678 make sure your backup system is working when you have the chance!
  2. Yours was probably built with electric gear from the start so maybe better coordinated. Mine is a 1968, built with a jbar but modified at the factory (before delivery) with electric gear. the interesting thing would be to know if your floor gear indicator dims, but I don’t think it will. It may already be dim with a 24v light in it?
  3. And even that is only on newer models. Mine has the “cat eye” manual closure to “dim” the gear lights on the panel.
  4. Yep, just realized that. Mine took a 336. Here’s the thread with pictures if it helps anyone.
  5. Some are moded with different light receptacles too, mine took a very slightly different bulb. I think a GE327 but I’ll have to find the old thread.
  6. Im not sure the floor light dims. I could be wrong (and mine is led so doesn’t dim with the stock nav dimmer). It looks like the vintage airplanes have power for the light wired directly to the down limit switch with nothing connected to a dimming circuit. Maybe in newer ones? Another thing to remember is that it’s only on when gear are down. I still wouldn’t want it to be blinding at night though…
  7. I recently replaced my bulb with an LED version in my 14v system. It is very bright, and I like it a lot during the day, however, I do not fly very often at night. Be careful removing the light socket, but it sounds like you already did. The wires down there are easily breakable.
  8. If 1 sensorcon is good, 2 is definitely better!
  9. Yeah apparently that one is held by mod works and is never coming back to life…
  10. It will change quickly. If a plug wasn’t firing you’d also feel roughness. It would likely be pretty obvious. Try #1, maybe you have a partially clogged injector.
  11. Another thing, where’s your battery? If it’s in the tail is there any way to warm the cockpit and or tail area with warm air? If the battery is in the engine compartment, probably fine from your warm air. Depending on your avionics, some people like to preheat to help out older gyros.
  12. All that sounds ok and similar to my winter ops in slightly warmer eastern Washington. Are you able to get your oil temps up above 180 and keep them there? Mine does fine with that even in very cold air but some people cover part of their oil cooler in the winter.
  13. Normally the j bar is directly connected to the gear… are you saying theres a jbar in the airplane but it doesn’t normally move with the electric gear?
  14. To be fair to garmin, it’s hard to solve a problem that they can’t duplicate without having an aircraft with the actual problem. At least they would be willing to address it if someone could give up their airplane, but fully understand that might not be easily done.
  15. Don’t they fly most of the airplanes in that exhibit too? @PT20J could be zooming around in that Mite!
  16. Mine is on with the gear down and master on. Off with gear up. It’s not connected to the instrument lights. The okder bulbs are dim or burnt out.
  17. Yeah nothing wrong with remans. I guess what I was saying is that for avionics, the installation cost of old avionics is the same as the installation cost for new avionics. So if you buy an Stec 55, the install is about the same as a GFC500. The Garmin is much newer and better and probably better supported. the final bill is pretty close to the same, but the capability is different.
  18. Yes, but tgey are old tech and expensive, so most people are not installing new ones. If you buy an airplane with an stec already in it, they do work well and are somewhat supported.
  19. The controllers (well many) are savvy enough to be able to read approaches a give you minimus if you need it. Agree that losing the approach plate should not be a significant problem, just need to know what to ask for… minimums on a vtf, maybe alternate missed approach instructions, etc.
  20. What? No! Emptying the tank is the fun part! Go fly it and get some training in! But you’re right about the wing walk removal and reapply being painful. If you can isolate to just one or a couple screws, people have good success pulling the screw, putting fuel sealant on it and retightening. If it’s more than a screw or three or out a seam, that’s a little more work…
  21. And even better, that one’s an easy fix!
  22. Another option is wing covers which are available and help with hail.
  23. Super good outcome, congrats!
  24. Generally preheat below 40deg f. Lyc actually says below 20 deg f. Preheat vs not is not going to result in a cracked oil filter especially in California! Was it torqued right and the gasket was good?
  25. I also don’t worry about fuel level on the ramp, but much more of an issue for you is water. Make sure your caps are properly sealing and you sump all applicable places.
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