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Everything posted by mooniac15u

  1. I believe that only applies to actual GPS approaches, not for using the GPS in lieu of other required equipment.
  2. Were the weather conditions the same?
  3. Are you sure about that? There are approach certified GPS units such as the KLN89B that have no capability to load any non-GPS approaches. Can you point to an FAR or an AC that states this limitation? I don't see anything in AC 90-108 http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/advisory_circulars/index.cfm/go/document.information/documentid/946030
  4. Cooling is unpredictable without the cowling on. Before you spend too much time chasing this you might want to put the cowling back on and see if it is still a problem.
  5. Backpack carriers are useful for some. Others prefer strollers. Strollers are far more practical at amusement parks where there is a lot of in and out and a 3-year-old won't last all day on their feet.
  6. I found that a cheap umbrella stroller like this one: http://www.amazon.com/Cosco-Juvenile-Umbrella-Stroller-American/dp/B00JH4DYSK/ref=sr_1_8?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1426164598&sr=1-8&keywords=umbrella+stroller was small enough to fit in the back of my M20D. You can usually find them at WalMart or Babys-R-Us in the $10-$15 range. At that price I was willing to abandon one if we acquired too much stuff during the trip. For hearing protection we started out with something similar to what Marauder recommends and then moved up to the Sigtronics S-20Y youth headset for a couple years http://www.sportys.com/pilotshop/aviation-headsets/sigtronics-headsets/sigtronics-s-20y-youth-system-headset.html. They fit pretty well on small heads and the kids liked being able to hear us on the intercom. Once the kids were about 3 they each got a pair of David Clark ANR headsets.
  7. Verizon and AT&T both allow iPads as part of their data sharing packages. The cost is $10 per month for a tablet on either carrier.
  8. I started out in an M20D with a two-year-old in a car seat. Added a second one a year later. They did fine for about six years and then we upgraded to a J. One thing to note is that not all car seats are equivalent. Some have shorter bases and easier mechanisms for attaching seatbelts. In your car you will just use the LATCH system but in your plane you will need to route the seatbelt through some sort of retention mechanism. Pay close attention to this feature when you pick out the seat that you plan to use in your plane.
  9. KLN89B is easy to update with a laptop. You do need a special cable.
  10. I think everyone is aware of the ADS-B out requirement. This was a discussion of ADS-B in weather vs XM weather. There is no requirement for ADS-B in.
  11. Those are probably all votes for Ds. After all it was the step-up Mooney.
  12. Not all prop strikes are equal. Was the engine running? Was it a sudden stoppage? http://www.avweb.com/news/features/The-Prop-StrikeSudden-Stop222325-1.html
  13. How often does your time with your CFI focus on decision making? Even then it is easy to give the right answer when you are removed from the actual scenario. One big problem with human decision making is that we are often rewarded by success even when we make the wrong decisions. We then falsely associate our success with our superior skills and assume that we will be successful in similar situations in the future. In other words, we succeed in spite of our decisions/actions rather than because of them.
  14. Which section do you think allows the FAA to conduct an investigation into your medical history? That part of the regulation largely governs requests related to law enforcement, victims of abuse, and individuals in imminent danger. I don't see any provision for an agency to go fishing with the exception of investigating abuse of benefit programs.
  15. I'm pretty sure they were just cross-referencing with disability claims. I believe HIPAA would prevent them from gaining access to any records related to regular doctor visits.
  16. I don't think that the elimination of the third class medical would result in elimination of the banned medications list. I suspect we will be required to "self-certify" which would include grounding ourselves if we are taking something on the list.
  17. Anthony makes a really good point about safety. Liquids flowing through non-conductive (plastic) tubes can lead to a build-up of static electricity. If your solvent is flammable this could cause a very dangerous situation inside your fuel tank. You should probably make sure every part of your system, including your reservoir, is grounded to the airframe and grounded externally.
  18. You could dip your tanks after each flight and write down how much is remaining in each tank. Then when you call in your fuel order you know how much to request in each tank.
  19. Just had mine done by Dawley Aviation in Wisconsin. Very reasonable price and quick turnaround. Http://www.dawleyaviation.com
  20. You must need that stormscope whenever you're on MooneySpace with all the "CBs" around.
  21. The XM weather is $35 per month not per year. The payback is 2 years.
  22. Take a look in the M20C manual in downloads (http://mooneyspace.com/files/file/34-owners-manual-1965-mooney-m20c-mark-21/). On page 21 under Fuel Management it suggests burning an hour of fuel out of one tank and then burning the other dry.
  23. That was the procedure for maximum endurance in the manual for my 1963 M20D.
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