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Everything posted by mooniac15u

  1. I had the same issue trying to fit a stroller in my M20D. Any of the lightweight strollers tend to fold into thin, but long, form factors. I found that a cheap umbrella stroller from Target or Walmart would just fit in the cargo area on a diagonal. It always had to go in last.
  2. The owner has been on MS (jsclafani) but not recently.
  3. I haven't had any experience with Mooney specific work by Byerly but they were very helpful repairing a bad mag on my M20D.
  4. There may be shops in the area that have received less favourable reviews... http://mooneyspace.com/topic/16132-blue-skies-aviation-san-marcos-texas-turned-my-skies-gray/
  5. If the wheel is moving laterally on the spindle it is most likely just a missing spacer and/or an improperly tightened axle nut. Just call the parts department at LASAR. They should be able to hook you up with the correct part. Or, if you are Yetti, you would just machine your own.
  6. Flying every week is not an option for everyone.
  7. My 1963 M20D S/N 110 was treated but this one with a later serial number was not. Perhaps mine was treated after it left the factory.
  8. I hear there are 10 kinds of people; those who understand binary and those who don't.
  9. Sometimes insurance companies want a CFI that meets the open pilot requirements on the policy.
  10. What are the hours in type requirements for the CFI? There are a couple instructors who did BFRs with me in my old converted D. They aren't Mooney specific instructors but they are both very good. Unfortunately the CFII that did all my instrument training is no longer instructing. I haven't seen any other short body Mooneys around Bolton but there was one based at KDLZ for a number of years so it may be worth calling up there.
  11. Was this the plane you posted about with the nose gear collapse? http://mooneyspace.com/topic/10885-check-your-landing-gear-closely/
  12. I think you mean hypothesis. A theory is based upon evidence.
  13. It translates that to an emoticon. If you put a space between the "b" and the parenthesis it will leave it alone.
  14. When you say "polar bonding" I assume you are refering to some kind of intermolecular electrostatic interaction (e.g. dipole-dipole) as opposed to actual chemical bonding.
  15. You can probably fix that with some pliers and a set of 30-weight ball bearings.
  16. You might consider using the Lake Reporting Service (http://www.faraim.org/aim/aim-4-03-14-173.html). You file a special flight plan and open in with the LRS right before you cross. If you fail to check in at regular intervals they send search & rescue.
  17. A dielectric material is more than just an insulator. It is also polarizable by applying an electric field. I don't know what's in corrosion X but it is probably just long chain alkanes which wouldn't be dielectric. Polar bonding also seems unlikely.
  18. None of the marine packages provides TFRs.
  19. Are you currently renting at Bolton? I owned a short-body (M20D) prior to my current M20J. Let me know if I can be of any help.
  20. Isn't there a long thread about your adventures with the FAA on an aircraft that had been through multiple annuals and maintained by a well respected MSC?
  21. Bolton has had some empty hangars recently.
  22. http://mooneyspace.com/topic/10885-check-your-landing-gear-closely/
  23. Hi Dave, I'm not looking for a partnership but let me know if I can help or answer any questions. Where do you plan to keep your Mooney? Jeff
  24. Schrodinger's point was that the cat is simultaneously both dead AND alive inside the box. He initially described the experiment to point out the apparent absurdity of quantum mechanics allowing for this in particles.
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