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Everything posted by mooniac15u

  1. Dawley Aviation in Wisconsin just did a complete rebuild of my muffler for $589. They turned it around in about 2 days.
  2. Superhydrophobicity of micro- and nano-textured surfaces is not a new phenomenon. The basic principle has been reasonably well understood since the 1940s. The effect is related to preserving a relatively large angle between the droplet edge and the surface. It sounds like this group may be working on optimizing the shape and scale of the surface structure. As far as icing, there has been some recent research that found some superhydrophobic surfaces tend to resist icing, although it doesn’t appear to relate directly to the same factors that increase hydrophobicity.
  3. My insurance company did not require any transition training when I moved from a converted D to my J. I did some anyway.
  4. It might be worth listening to the audio archives for KCLT on http://liveatc.net to see if you can find out what exactly the other pilot told them about your altitude.
  5. Doesn't that block your view out the back?
  6. I live in Columbus but I'm a Hawkeye. I was happy to see Alabama lose but I'm unlikely to root for the Buckeyes in the championship. If they win the fans here will be insufferable.
  7. I think you are looking for this: http://mooneyspace.com/topic/13905-when-is-enough-enough/page-1
  8. Any app that accesses DUATS with your ID should end up creating a record in the DUATS system. The DUATS providers will almost certainly continue to keep records of briefings as long as the program is funded by the FAA. Unfortunately, the future of DUATS funding is uncertain at the moment. The contracts were scheduled to end last fall and were only extended to March of 2015. I don't know how much of that was related to general budget uncertainty in Washington but the cancellation of the QICP program is not a good sign for the future of DUATS.
  9. The FAA canceled the Qualified Internet Communication Provider program in 2013 so DUATS is no longer an "official" weather source(http://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/Cancellation_Memno_AC_00-62.pdf). The only guidance on briefings is now FAR 91.103 which is pretty ambiguous. DUATS is still probably a good idea since they presumably still retain a record of your briefing even though they are no longer required to do so.
  10. Exercise itself may not directly impact serum cholesterol but it may have a secondary impact by altering body fat percentage. Adipose tissue has a very high capacity for cholesterol storage and that cholesterol is in equilibrium with serum cholesterol. Basically, excess cholesterol is stored in fat and fed back into your bloodstream. If you decrease your body fat you decrease the capacity for cholesterol storage.
  11. There is certainly a genetic component to cholesterol levels but there is also a significant correlation between BMI and serum cholesterol concentrations. Also not that kind of doctor. I have a Ph.D. in chemistry with a focus on medicinal chemistry
  12. Aerobic exercise typically has a bigger impact on blood pressure.
  13. What's the tail number for the plane you're looking at? Someone here may be familiar with it.
  14. Here's positive aspect of the story... http://abc7chicago.com/news/boy-scouts-come-to-the-rescue-after-plane-crash/446580/
  15. Good point, but if he does see voltage there it will confirm a likely problem with the wire. A better test is probably for continuity in the field wire from regulator to alternator and lack of continuity to ground.
  16. A logical, systematic approach to troubleshooting. Isolate components and eliminate them as possible culprits. I like it! Do you have a background in science or engineering?
  17. I think that's pretty much what Tommy just said he was going to do in his last two posts. He plans to check the wire by checking for voltage output at the regulator. Voltage there but not at the alternator indicates a bad wire/connection. No voltage there indicates something upstream (possibly the regulator).
  18. Varsol is a brand name for a family of solvents produced by ExxonMobile. They are generally mixtures of hydrocarbons. I think you will find generic mineral spirits to be roughly equivalent in terms of cleaning ability. I would be careful spraying any of this through an air gun. The vapors are highly flammable and potentially toxic or carcinogenic depending on what's in the particular mixture.
  19. You can't normally sue a government agency for negligence the way you can sue an individual or company. The federal government is protected by sovereign immunity.
  20. Re-read my post. I didn't ask if you were below 65% at that fuel flow. I asked if you always made sure you were below 65%. I didn't know if you always used that setting. I've run LOP, I'm just not tied to it. I'd prefer to see some data before I'm convinced that it's better or worse than ROP.
  21. I understand LOP. I wasn't looking for an explanation. I was just asking whether you always made sure you were below 65% as that is how a FADEC would behave. I understand that you have convinced yourself that it is better for your engine but it's really just a personal preference. I have nothing against LOP I just haven't seen any hard data that it's actually better.
  22. Are you always below 65% when you go LOP? The FADEC would require that before going LOP.
  23. Exactly my point. The FADEC won't go LOP unless you are below 65%.
  24. 15U was the last part of the tail number on my first Mooney (N6615U). It went from Mooney 15U with ATC to Mooniac15U on twitter and e-mail. I'm not hiding behind anything. Anyone who wants to know who I am can Google my current tail number. I just want to make it a little harder for the bots to crawl and connect all my online info. -Jeff
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