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Everything posted by mooniac15u

  1. The best part about flying in the midwest is wide-open spaces without a lot of traffic or controlled airspace to deal with. Cleveland and Chicago may be interesting destinations but they are both Bravo airspace. I would recommend finding some stops based on fuel prices and local restaurants. Some of the best airports in the midwest have courtesy car keys hanging on a hook in an unattended FBO building. No ATC, no security, and the only other traffic is a Cub with a handheld comm.
  2. Is the restriction related to a non-WAAS GPS source?
  3. They're called a "compass compensator". They provide a localized magnetic field to compensate for magnetic fields in the aircraft from avionics or magnetized steel frames that can occur in our Mooneys. The localized magnetic field comes from small magnets in the balls. Like any magnet they have poles and the compensating magnetic field is "tuned" by adjusting the orientation and distance of the magnets from the compass. If the balls are bumped the alignment of the magnetic field can change which will throw off your compass.
  4. Do you have an older picture of your interior where you might be able to see the orientation of the red and green dots on the balls?
  5. One or both balls probably got rotated. The orientation of the balls is important.
  6. If the antenna was installed with the 430 then the location might be indicated in the airframe log or 337.
  7. The fuel pressure drop on climbout in C models is not uncommon. http://mooneyspace.com/topic/13291-fuel-pressure/ See posts 9 and 10 in particular.
  8. I flew a modified D for 8 years and now a J for 1.5 years. The J definitely feels more stable in pitch. Not that the D felt unstable...
  9. KPHD has cheap fuel and a restaurant right next to the field. I think it is called Magoo's.
  10. "Nobody" lives in Cedar Rapids, IA. That's 360nm away.
  11. It was dead stick but only because I shut off the engine on final. I had a landing gear issue.
  12. I've never had a door open on takeoff but I did open the door on my M20D right before landing once when I had reason to believe the landing might not end well.
  13. If SMO closes you can just park your plane at the golf course across the street with Harrison Ford.
  14. Do you mean with or without flaps?
  15. When you power up the 650 one of the self-test pages will include a test signal to your HSI. The details of what you should see on your HSI should display on the screen. I believe it should hide both flags and the needles should go to half deflection. If the HSI doesn’t match the screen then there is likely a communications problem between the units.
  16. Nitric acid is hygroscopic. It will pull moisture out of the air. It is effectively impossible to keep it dry in a non-sealed system.
  17. I know about that AD. My old M20D had bladders. I thought maybe there was a new one that I hadn't heard about yet.
  18. When you press to test it should bypass the gear switch. It seems unlikely that the switch is the problem.
  19. For a 1981 M20J the parts catalog specifies a GE 4522 bulb which is a PAR 46.
  20. PAR 36 has a diameter of 4.5 inches (115 mm) PAR 46 has a diameter of 5.75 inches (145 mm)
  21. Unfortunately you have to disconnect your vacuum pump if you want to try it.
  22. Exactly! At high altitude and/or cruise power settings it does nothing for you. Fortunately it works best down low at approach settings. If you have to go missed you can say goodbye to your vacuum until you are able to reduce power again. I've never used mine in actual IMC but I had a vacuum pump fail while VFR and it was a useful experience to see how it behaved at various power settings. If I ever have to use it on an instrument approach I will advise ATC in advance and request a nonstandard missed procedure with a straight-ahead climb.
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