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Everything posted by Yetti

  1. Build a ground station. Point it at the drone. Get an FPV receiver. Record the telemetry and the video feed. Usually faces and houses will show up landing or taking off. http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__543__172__FPV_Aerial_Video_Telemetry-FPV_Accessories.html Realizing off course that flying an RC model is about as illegal as throwing a football in class B. Throwing a frisbee in a TFR or flying a UAV could be considered illegal based on the wording. Flying a kite with a camera attached is also legal per the FARs ant TFR language. The FAA is as behind the times here as they are allowing safer equipment in a certified plane. But then again the Border Patrol still chases illegal aliens and drug runners with horse and ATVs....
  2. Depending on the complexity they can be tracked. If they are flying POV, there is a downlink with telemetry data. You could query the avionics for the take off point if you wanted to.
  3. It's not illegal in the FAA sense of the FAR. There is an AC that suggests what RC controlled flying vehicles should do. The FAA failed to do the rule making process properly
  4. There was a stack of them for sale at Sam's Club yesterday. $99.00 and more avionics that a certified mooney.
  5. Do you have any ty wraps on your plane? Probably not legal. You need to go back to the cotton cable lacing to be in compliance.
  6. I have one or two spots on the leading edges that look like that. Someone prior painted over them with another color white paint. Then that paint came off kind of. I am afraid that one day, I will just start polishing the spots and then suddenly the whole leading edge will become bright shiny and pretty. The interesting thing about the Mooney paint jobs is that they were very thin. The current repaint jobs seem like a very thick coating. I would not be surprised if new paint jobs do not add a great deal of weight to the plane.
  7. In things that bother me. The Starboard ball linkage joint is still missing the retaining sleeve to hold the ball in. This is on the control rod that holds the cowl flap. It was safety wire tied back together. I could order the McMaster Carr replacement, but the linkage is coarse thread and the one on the plane if fine thread. Then I would have part of the wrong part laying around and I only need the retaining sleeve and spring. Some of you know how a lathe works some may not. So here we go. And I get a chance to use the older than me 9" South Bend Lathe. First step is to face and center drill. The center drill has no play in it so it is more accurate. Next we step up the drill size not to final size of 31/64 But a random size. The will let for a better final drill sizing with less wobble. Final ID Internal Dimension drilling operation. Dimensioning the OD or Outside Diameter This lathe operation use the half nut on the feed screw. Use a hacksaw to cut off the sleeve and file a bit to clean up the edges. I think it has taken me longer to do this post than it was to make the piece. I already created a spring out of safety wire. The lathe and the plane are in two different cities so the final pics should be up later in the week.
  8. With a bucket you would have to mount the heat exchanger vertical, which would then get into your ice carrying capacity. Also would need to do duct work and only use the heat exchanger vs airflow across the top of the ice. Would still work.
  9. http://www.amazon.com/New-RULE-IN-LINE-BILGE-BLOWER-12V/dp/B001K914XW http://www.amazon.com/Spectra-Premium-94553-Heater-Chevrolet/dp/B004LGWEG2/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1439134263&sr=8-2&keywords=heater+core http://www.amazon.com/Shoreline-Marine-Bilge-Pump-600/dp/B004LRBI9A/ref=sr_1_3?s=boating-water-sports&ie=UTF8&qid=1439134344&sr=1-3&keywords=bilge+pump The rest of the parts can be sourced from homer dan
  10. -a- These are a buck or so at wally world. So no Ice needed. 5 of them lasted about 20 minutes in 100 plus heat.
  11. There is a big temptation to skip the check list and get the big fan going fast.
  12. I just noticed in the top picture is the old UPS that I charge my battery pack with. I could get fancy with plugs, but I just use alligator jump wires
  13. Recently built on for about $75 in parts. Got to use it last evening. It was in the 100s in Texas. Small refrigerator in the hanger with ice packs in the freezer section. For a battery you can get a couple Sealed Lead Acid 7 amp hour at home depot by the security lights section. Charge them with a 12volt DC wall wart. 12volt cigerett lighter with wires from autoparts house will have the spade lugs that connect to the top of the battery. Should run it till you get up to altitude. Went for a dinner flight and was able to keep my shirt dry. Very much worth it.
  14. Ordered mine. Skipped the velcro... I mean doesn't everyone have several rolls laying around? most power bricks are USB Ie 5 volt. So just plug it in and power it up
  15. Ah what the heck. Add the GPS module. Use one of the PICO Projector onto the windscreen and then you have a HUD
  16. Add an IMU to the project and you could be a Stratus killer. https://www.pololu.com/product/2468
  17. Has anyone done a partial strip on say the leading edge? And then polished it? Would the aluminum tape be the way to protect the paint and only strip to a line?
  18. 101 would equal 5. Just saying.
  19. Quest Diagnostics has a fleet of King Airs that they run samples around the country with. They used to pack their samples in Dry Ice. Several pilots got loopy and CFIT
  20. I have been saying this is possible for about a year. Just did not have the time to do it. Wonder if you can write up a spec sheet and then consider it owner supplied parts?
  21. Amazon finally got the right keyboard to me. Yay to the LLLLLs
  22. Good info. Thanks. It is a DPDT switch (did not have a SPDT) so I can switch between fan. or Fan and pump. One diode and all is happy. Two fuses - one on the 12v power plug. one inline inside the cooler. Right now in Texas we need both. I need to seal the gap between the blower and the top. Shoe Goo is great fun stuff.
  23. We have a p1ace on the thresho1d to one six at Brenham. I work remote most of the time so about 50% here and 50% in Houston. The p1ane is at 11r. If y'a11 want something other than the Southern Diner we know p1aces in town. Amazon screwed up the keyboard order again so more ones instead of the 1etter. My friend got a quote for $47,000.00 to put siding on the house. He is going to spend about $3,000.00 in materia1s and have some nice too1s. It is pretty crazy the amount of water that when through there. Their house is pretty high above the river and it had water to the cei1ing. The house next door got demoed.
  24. 2 antique moss side pane1s from the 1uggage compartment are 5 1bs 2 Ita1ian 1eather pane1es are a bit under 4 1bs. So a11 pane1s shou1d be 6 1bs. savings and the antique moss is gone Most1y done. Dove Grey carpet. Khaki pane1 Rusto1em Satin Nick1e p1astic. Rusto1em Maroon arm rest. It is possib1e that the green stripes on the exterior paint may become maroon. 1ooks 1ike I have one g1ue spot to c1ean off. $531.00 tota1 with enough carpet to do another set and 3/4 of a hide 1eft. Probab1y $75 to $100 more for forma1 burn testing. Whi1e I was waiting for the g1ue to dry on the pane1s I bui1t an ice coo1er. $30.00 for the heater core. $25.00 for the boat exhaust fan. $25.00 for the harbor freight bi1ge pump. Coo1er a1ready had a1ong with wire and p1ugs and switches.
  25. The rest of the track shows that I can use a bott1e and keep a kind of straight 1ine and somewhat 1eve1 f1ight. But 20 minutes 1ater it was time again. My friend decided the hottest day of the year wou1d be a good time to put the siding up on his memoria1 day f1ood damaged house in Wimber1y. I probab1y had 2 ga11ons of water and gatoraide. and yes picante sauce and guac took out the keyboard. they sent the wrong one. Hopefu11y today wi11 have a new one.
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