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Everything posted by mike_elliott

  1. direct cam lobe/tappet lubrication, direct valve lube (bravo mod comes to mind), metallurgy consumerate with the required function would be a start over the "lets splash some up thataway and let some run down a pushrod tube to get to the valves from the hydraulic lifters" approach. Absent wanting to redo the lubrication system, perhaps roller cams....oh wait....
  2. I know you didnt, but it is common group think to have corrosion blamed on FL on this forum as you are well aware. Bottom line, corrosion in any state is bad. Corrosion in an engine is bad. Poor lubrication is bad, Poor metallurgy is bad.
  3. Actually, there are planes that have been flown regularly that had cam and tappet part numbers show up in the suction screen. CarolAnn Garratt's J was flown weekly for hrs at a time and needed a new engine at about 1400 hrs from cam and tappet disintegration. Cant blame corrosion on this one. If it is corrosion causing the problem, why would LYC fix the effect (DLC tappets) instead of fixing the problem? I know, conspiracy theory. None of this first principal thinking allowed.... back to our group think Florida is bad for Mooneys..
  4. Dont be afraid to just put an opening bid in at list. You wont get it any cheaper anywhere and like a house in FL right now, it may go for well more!
  5. Could say fuel starvation from the rod taking out the flow divider...
  6. Could it be that Lyc doesnt waste lubrication on the tappets and valve stems and sends it all to the rod journals instead
  7. I am interested in contact information of the pilot and/or owner, and if the injuries were serious enough to require a lengthy hospital stay if anyone knows. Thanks
  8. If anyone has any contact info on the pilot or knows more about their condition, please let me know. Mike
  9. Would love to have you James. Make sure you register at www.mooneysummit.com We have a few Bo dirvers and TBM pilots coming.
  10. Do you think Whelan Aerospace would want to join the elite group of industry leading sponsors of the Mooney Summit VIII this year? Our attendees and supporters have been known to reward handsomely our sponsors and donors! www.mooneysummit.com/sponsors if so, contact Rick.junkin@mooneysummit.com and he will make sure Whelen Aerospace gets maximum traction for supporting the Mooney community
  11. This is probably the only area on an older Mooney percussion maintenance works, unlike a Cirrus where it is appropriate just about anyplace. Keep in mind this cures the effect and not the cause. In the case of Cirrus, well....
  12. effectively, so does a vintage J bar Mooney with a worn down block
  13. These connections will typically show the ammeter waiving like an old vacuum windshield washer for those of us old enough to remember them. Simply clean the connections on the MS really well and this effect will stop.
  14. J's and F's field wire tend to break right at the alternator and should be a regular inspection at oil changes IMO.
  15. Contact Arnold Holmes at AVmech in Leesburg. He owns an E and is also a DAR. Sharp and fair. He will know what to look for and I am sure he will find a few things.
  16. Ive been to Sedona in that Ovation.
  17. Sitting outside in Fl is as bad as sitting outside in AZ. Both will trash a plane. Some of the nicest Mooneys shapewise I have seen are "sitting down in FL" but are well taken care of and not left to the elements to claim. They wont last long anywhere just hanging out on a ramp. Airplanes corrode out not wear out I have heard. Having them buried under a foot of snow in Buffalo might not be the best environment either.
  18. Airport day, Friday is open, however the Friday evening reception will require registration. We spend the registration fee buying the food for everyone, taking care of SME's lodging. etc . Donations are what fund the Bill Gilliland foundation so feel free to help support! Mooney Summit VIII folded flyer.pdf
  19. @Seth It would be a good one!
  20. Zork...written by former Mooney 201 owner and CTO of Compaq computer corp Scott Cutler
  21. If anyone knows the pilot, please reach out to me
  22. So, its a continental engine thing your saying...Good thing Cirrus figured out how to avoid it
  23. Why is that?
  24. the extra door hole adds weight. 17# seems about right.
  25. Probably not, but would have to look at the AD to see
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