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Everything posted by neilpilot

  1. Of course, while O2 obviously promotes combustion it doesn't burn.
  2. Temperature isn't the issue so much as O2 concentration. There are many common items that, while not flammable, can readily burn or even explode if exposed to high O2 concentrations.
  3. Flammability rating reflects the propensity of a material to burn under normal conditions, i.e. ~21% O2. While Vaseline isn't flammable, it can easily burn in an elevated O2 environment.
  4. Similar experience when Don did the prebuy on our 65C back in 2012 - 25 airworthy issues and an additional 22 recommended items.
  5. As PIC I only allowed a passenger to smoke in my aircraft on one occasion. The DPE that administered my Instrument check ride back in 1990 wanted to smoke. I said not in my Mooney. He then gave me an ultimatum - either I allow him to smoke or I would need to find another DPE. I relented, and did pass that check ride.
  6. Isn't it obvious. Keyboards in the UK, just like their US brethren, position the "D" adjacent to the "S".
  7. My flying club back in the 70s had placards installed on our 3 Cs: No Smoking First 2 Rows
  8. I tied a nylon cord to a very lightweight plastic folding stool. Becky would hold on to the cord as she stepped onto the wing. She hated the stool, but it worked.
  9. Usually not an easy task if, on arrival, the pilot is typically waiting in the aircraft for the front seat passenger to disembark.
  10. Deactivate auto-extend or pull gear motor breaker?
  11. You mean as described by kmyfm20s just prior to your post?
  12. 3) When you switch heat on, look for a deflection in your mag compass.
  13. Unfortunately you will need to ask Mooney for help. I'm not sure your MSE is airworthy without a complete POH onboard.
  14. Years ago the oil rod separated from the cap on my IO-360-A1A. I took it to work and had a welder reattach the rod. It was an unapproved repair that was never logged, but I'm likely protected by the statute of limitations.
  15. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Sept-1968-DERRINGER-N7597V-Aircraft-Vintage-Plane-Airplane-AD-/401774183276 Not the aircraft, just an ad
  16. Bought my first Mooney with around 120 Cessna hours. Decided to get used to the M20E first, so I started training for my IR only after around 50 Mooney hours.
  17. I can't see that from the price history. Doesn't it seem obvious that the $479M price was a typo that was immediately corrected?
  18. Interesting question. I owned a 64E that, as far as I could tell, never had static wicks. The 65C that we purchased in 2012 had wicks, but I have no idea if they were OEM.
  19. Go ahead and make that change
  20. When I based my Mooney at AWM, I chose to fly over to KDRP and have @Cody Stallings run a dynamic balance.
  21. http://www.flyrisen.com/files/Data-Sheet-Risen_US-Aerotec.pdf
  22. At that price you’re likely saving money by purchasing a new tank. I paid around $30 to the local fire extinguisher service last time I had a portable tank hydro done.
  23. Even if Thomas' J is 24v?
  24. Unless you have some leakage to ground to power draw, you need a new battery. You could disconnect the ground and see if the battery holds a charge for a few days with the ground disconnected.
  25. It's very important to understand that the ~10% ethanol in auto gas is very different from the ~1% IPA additive in 100LL. Ethanol is generally much more aggressive towards some gasket & seal materials than IPA. There are many other distinctions that invalidate comparing them as generic "alcohol". Also PP thoughts, and not a chemist (but I am a ChemE )
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