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Everything posted by neilpilot

  1. Since we already planned a 2-week stay in Chichester in September 2019, we included a day at Goodwood Revival. It was only a few miles down the road from our temporary home. Now we want to do it again, but it will likely be 2022 before we can make the trip back.
  2. I especially enjoyed the East River transition
  3. I don't but I typically restrict operations to around 7000'. You need to be especially careful when flying a "flat face" dog, such as a Pug or Maltese. These breeds are especially susceptible to breathing issues at altitude.
  4. Maybe that's what happens when choosing a field with cheaper gas?
  5. @AVDB read but never answered my PM. So FYI my Shybound G2 is still available.
  6. I know this is obvious, but are you sure your switching the Sportsman's ignition switch on the electrical panel ON?
  7. This isn't a recommendation - just a quick Google result: https://www.skygeek.com/flamemaster-cs-3330-cl-low-adhesion-sealant.html Maybe give DMax a call and ask about sourcing sealant. Important to be sure it's relatively fresh material.
  8. Curious why only a J or C? I would think an E or F would also be in that mix.
  9. Are you implying that Pilots N Paws flights might involve shared expenses? Before I stopped flying, I flew scores of PnPaws and Angel flights, and my only "compensation" was in the form of charitable deductions. Except for one post-Katrina PnPaws flyout at KNEW co-organized by Subaru, when I did receive overnight accommodations and a meal. So maybe I was acting as a Commercial operation in that case?
  10. On a long flight, especially if you have a panel mount moving map, consider simply turning your iPad off for a large % of the flight. When I would fly a long xc, I had weather and traffic on my panel. I found that nothing was lost as far as awareness if I turned off my iPad for a significant portion of the cruise. I'd flip it on occasionally if I wanted to check ADSB weather or other info. My experience was that XM weather on my Garmin was way more accurate that the iPad ADSB feed anyway.
  11. Do you have a noise reduction capacitor? In our 65C, it was mounted in the engine compartment on the firewall. When our noise started, it was addressed with a new capacitor. When a capacitor goes bad, it can often be diagnosed visually if there's a slight bulge in the side and/or end walls.
  12. Likely true in many, but no all, cases. As an example, the sTec 30 from my 64E was sold by the aircraft salvage company after N1310W was totaled in 2012. There was nothing wrong with the sTec, just with the airframe it was attached to. So units offered by salvage agents like our Grim Reaper and Jerry P are likely to be functional.
  13. Lightly used. $50 includes shipping to lower 48.
  14. Sounds right if you had an N# registration. Are you sufficiently familiar with EASA & German airworthiness requirements to support this statement?
  15. Is this equivalent to the seller selecting the prebuy A&P?
  16. Funny that I've owned 2 mid-60s Mooneys, both with manual gear, and I used to joke that I'd love a new Mooney if I could get one with manual gear. The manual gear is very easy to operate if it's adjusted and maintained properly. Cheaper to maintain, and a very simple and reliable system. To answer your question, much depends on how you expect to use the aircraft. If instrument rated or planning to go for the IR, look for avionics that include a WAAS GPS. If you plan to travel much and fly relatively long distances, an autopilot would make life much easier, and safer if IFR. There's much more I can add, but I'm sure others will chime in.
  17. The Arecibo telescope collapsed today, before it could be dismantled.......https://www.cbsnews.com/news/arecibo-observatory-radio-telescope-puerto-rico-collapses/
  18. Unfortunately all tours have been suspended due to Covid-19
  19. That Mooney M20M Bravo C/N 27-0121 was manufactured as N9152B, and has been on display there since at least 2005.
  20. Assuming your fuel cans are not metal and don't have an integral bond connection, you can reduce the chance of a static discharge by decreasing the distance between the discharge nozzle and the fuel in your tank and decreasing the flow rate. If possible, you could consider immersing the nozzle just under the surface of your wing's fuel to eliminate any liquid free fall. Another method is to attach a metal chain from the end of your nozzle that will drop into your wing, but this is more difficult and not always practical. Remember that electrical bonding, not necessarily grounding, is the way to mitigate static.
  21. In the 70s I worked in Niagara Falls for a company that had a pharmaceutical operation in Arecibo. The plan manager lived in San Juan and when the weather cooperated, which was on most days, commuted to work from TJIG to TJAB via his C172. He parked a beater at the Arecibo airport. I flew with him 4 of the days I was visiting the plant, and on the flight back to San Juan the 2nd day we overflew the telescope. I was amazed, since I hadn't previously known it was there. That was in 1974, and it was a bit newer back then. BTW - The drive to the plant was only about 1.5 hours from San Juan, but it's way more fun to fly to work.
  22. I lean severely for ground ops, so the engine will stumble or quit when the throttle is advanced before I even get to the runway. So it's virtually impossible for me to attempt a departure leaned for ground ops.
  23. Presumably, other than ferry to maintenance this aircraft hasn't flown in over 4 years. Suspect last annual was July 2015.https://www.aircraft.com/aircraft/166494901/n5783d-1985-mooney-m20j-201 Could be that the windsock that it hit is in better shape. http://www.kathrynsreport.com/2016/01/mooney-m20j-201-n5783d-incident.html
  24. Consider either buying another oxymeter (they can be had for ~$20), or borrowing one from a friend. Unless you sometimes wear nail polish , I suspect yours needs to be replaced. Of course, I'm assuming the battery isn't the issue.
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