Scott Posted April 7, 2010 Report Posted April 7, 2010 Hi all just newly joined this forum...been flying my 231 for 5 years and before that, a little C model. I have done alot of flying in Mexico, Alaska and the US but not so much in Canada. I am heading to Manitoba to visit Polar bears up in Churchill in early August. After that, I am trying to develop a nice itierary for flying the Canadian Rockies and wanted to know if someone had some suggestions. I am thinking Banff, and possibly Lake Louise. Looking for other thoughts and points of interest. I am based out of California so the trip to and from will include possible overfly of Custer Battlefield, Yellowstone, Tetons, Cody.... Any suggestions? Thanks Scott Quote
Buster1 Posted April 8, 2010 Report Posted April 8, 2010 Scott, welcome to the forum! Can't speak to the Canadian flying much, but I would suggest that following the Rockies north along your route would be pretty epic. Not sure where you'll go from CA, but a stopover here at Ogden and the Wasatch Mts is pretty sweet. Just watch out for all those damn F-16s that fly all around here! Quote
dsimes Posted April 8, 2010 Report Posted April 8, 2010 I flew to churchill 2 years ago. June 15 was the date. About 100 miles north of Thompson, CYTH, the lakes were still frozen. It is really barren country, with absolutely no airports nearby. It is north of the tree line, so the biggest tree is about 3 feet high. Instead of going direct Thompson to Churchill, you can choose to do a low level flight alongside the railway tracks, which lead right into Churchill. I would recommend fuelling in Thompson at $1.50/liter instead of Churchill, which was $2.50/liter at the time. Call ahead and get up to date prices. The Tundra Buggies polar bear excursion is a MUST. I would also recommend spending a night or two at Clerwater Lake, CYQD The Pas, at one of the lodges and doing some trout fishing. I can provide more info, as it is my backyard. I can also provide pdf charts for the flight for you to do some initial flight planning. I have been to Churchill several times, but only once in my Mooney. I am really glad I had a chance to do it. There may be some others who want to eventually do a trip to the Polar Bear Capital of Canada, so I'm thinking instead of sending me a private message, we can get a good thread going about how to get there, what to do when you get there, interesting waypoints, and stuff that may be really good to know. I live in Calgary now, but still have a home on Clearwater Lake, the clearest lake in Canada. You can see bottom in 30 feet of water. I did my float endorsement on Clearwater, and it is really difficult judging touchdown when you can't see the surface. Maybe I will be there when you come through... Cheers Quote
skyking Posted April 8, 2010 Report Posted April 8, 2010 Hi Scott: My name is Russ and I live in edmonton Alberta and have flown the area pretty extensivly. Flying into Banff and LAke Louise is not possible as the airports are now owned by the National Park system and are PPR only. You will never recieve prior permission unless you are park staff or a fire fighter. I am going on a Canadian wide cross country leaving Edmonton June 26th and returning 2nd week of July. If you are in Edmonton after that you are welcome to stop at my place. I am at Cooking lake, a little airport just outside Edmonton Airspace. I am a member of the Mooney Ambassadors and would be happy to show you the best VFR routes and where to avoid. I would strongly recommend some mountain instruction if you do not have mountain experience prior to heading through the mountains even to fly over Banff etc. If you can come earlier you are welcome to fly as a group with me as part of my trip is through the Churchill area. Send me a PM and i will send you home phone, email etc regards Russ Quote
skyking Posted April 8, 2010 Report Posted April 8, 2010 Hey Desimes: just noticed another Albertan is here. Welcome to the group. If you are ever over at Cooking lake give me a holler. russ Quote
dsimes Posted April 13, 2010 Report Posted April 13, 2010 Hi Russ. I hope you have a great cross Canada voyage. I'm Jealous. If you are flying through The Pas, CYQD, let me know and I might be there. I made it as far north as Vegreville last weekend. PXG is at the doctor for an annual checkup. Nice egg! Dave Quote
Ned Gravel Posted April 13, 2010 Report Posted April 13, 2010 So Russ lives near where I am teaching this week. I contact him and ask if he is going to be in town and we talk about flying and Mooneys over an appropriate consomation. He says he is, and I should call him on his cell phone. Near noon I do. I tell him which hotel I am teaching in, and Lo and Behold Gentle Reader - he is taking some certification training in the same hotel. On the same floor. Not really apparent to me until I note the tall feller talking to someone on his cell phone as I walk by one of the training room doors and yes (big guffaw from the assembled multitude) it is Russ talking to me. In the room next door. I intend on enjoying that libation tonight. Nothing like two Mooney drivers telling each other their favourite lies about their flying techniques in the world's most efficient certified four banger. Aaahhh. Life is good. Quote
skyking Posted April 13, 2010 Report Posted April 13, 2010 It gets better. about an hour later one of my employees call me to let me know he is in Edmonton as he needs to meet with one of the Goverment people tomorrow. (He looks after all that stuff when i am not available, which i am not this week). I ask him where he is staying and lo and behold ( another room full of giggling) he is upstairs, in the same hotel as Ned and I!..This world is indeed getting small. Quote
skyking Posted April 13, 2010 Report Posted April 13, 2010 Hi DSimes: Yes it is on the itinerary as a possible fuel stop if the wife needs a brak by then. It will be about 10AM local time on JUne 26 or 27th. Depending on the weather as we may leave either day. Quote
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